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Looking for friends in Perth!

Guest ScooRoo

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Guest ScooRoo



I'm newly 30 and newly moved to Perth, trying to just get temping work just now to pay the rent and looking for new friends!


I love running (though I love food more so i'm not a stick thin gym bunny! :) ), cinema, going out for meals/coffee/walks etc. I have a wicked sense of humour and love having a laugh.


Looking for anyone who fancies meeting up?

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Guest cornflakegirl


I am coming to Perth at the beginning of August to work for 2 months initially but hoping to have this extended to 6 months. If your still around Perth then I'd be up for a catch up? I love running too (ran a half marathon last year but it was a bit of a struggle!!) and cinema, drinks etc etc. How did you get on with finding accom?



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Guest shoreditch



All very very last minute but I am moving to Perth on 8th July to work for 9 months and know no one, hell to my shame I can barely point to the city on a map, but figured it would be an adventure. My running is pretty poor these days, although I intend to rectify that, but my coffee drinking, cinema going etc is excellent. So give me a shout if you want to help out a fellow 'newbie'. Adam

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Guest ScooRoo

Hey cornflakegirl - i am wanting to run the half-marathon here in august - but i 'm not sure if i'll be ready! I should still be here when you get here :) to find accommodation i put an ad on one of those 'find a flatmate' websites and ended up meeting a girl who lives not far from me at home in Scotland! However, we have signed a 12 month lease as she was sure she'd get a permanent visa - but that now looks unlikely... oops!

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Guest cornflakegirl

Thanks I'll give that a try when I arrive! Where in Scotland are you from if you don't mind me asking, I'm from just outside Stirling! You should defo give the half marathon a go! If your still around when I arrive we can go out for a wee run?

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Guest ScooRoo

I moved over from Aberdeen, i have a few friends from Stirling :) I'm not from Aberdeen though, I grew up near Elgin, only moved to Scotland when i was 14.


Could definitely go for a run - i havent gone for a run anywhere other than the gym as i dont want to go on my own! I'd probably get lost or something! haha


So are you working in Scotland?

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Guest cornflakegirl

Yeah I work in Edinburgh just now but commute from Falkirk. Where in Perth are you? I'm going to be working in the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Nedlands when I arrive.

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hi Adam give me a shoot when you get here and we'll meet up for a drink and ill try and help you find your way about if you want.




All very very last minute but I am moving to Perth on 8th July to work for 9 months and know no one, hell to my shame I can barely point to the city on a map, but figured it would be an adventure. My running is pretty poor these days, although I intend to rectify that, but my coffee drinking, cinema going etc is excellent. So give me a shout if you want to help out a fellow 'newbie'. Adam

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Guest shoreditch
hi Adam give me a shoot when you get here and we'll meet up for a drink and ill try and help you find your way about if you want.



Brilliant I will definitely take you up on that offer. Much appreciated. Adam

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Guest Lauren87

Hi Guys and Girls

I've been in Perth for just over a year now and it has been pretty tough meeting people...However I've met a great bunch of people recently and we try to meet up as often as possible. If you'd like to join us one night/day (whenever) just let me know...more the merrier! Just drop me a message :-)


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  • 1 month later...
Guest field87

Hi everyone!


Just moved to perth from Darwin been in OZ since late last year...feeling abit shakey starting again and leaving friends we made in Darwin! would love to meet some nice people for coffees nights out etc although I'm no runner but I could sure do to learn! just moved into a house in freo starting new job at the hospital tomorrow. Let me know if you guys meet up!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest rich1983

If any of you are around this thursday (15 sept) I'm meeting a few other expats at the greenhouse bar on st georges st in Perth from 6pm.

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Guest cornflakegirl

Hey Jasmine


How are you? How are you finding Perth? I have been here since the beginning of August and really liking it so far. What hospital are you going to be working in? I would be up for meeting up at some point. Im staying in Perth until the end of December.


Let me know


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Hi Jen,


I'm good thanks...settling in slowly. Working at Fremantle hospital in the ED how you finding charlies? would defo be keen to meet up unfortunately am working all weekends this month as because I'm new didn't get any requests in for this roster :arghh: To be honest i'm not very good at coming on this site.. if you email me when your free we can arrange to meet up jasmine_field87@hotmail.co.uk i'll be going into freo on friday if you wanted to meet up for a coffee i know its a bit short notice tho. Whereabouts are you living? how come your only staying till decemeber? not tempted to take a sponsorship? speak soon


Jazz x

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hey will be coming along tonight - how will we recognise the group? cos to be honest listening out for british accents in perth could lead you anywhere! hehe


Paula xx

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Hi all,


New guy to Perth. Came over last week and left all friends and family back home :sad:


I'm 30 and looking to make new friends. Don't start work until October 3rd but they seem like a good bunch of people and I'm sure I'll make friends through the job but it doesn't hurt to expand the network.


I intend to play football (soccer) in the New Year which will help but more than willing to meet people off here. It appears (forgive me if I'm wrong) that the site is more family focussed but if anyone is in the same position and fancies meeting up for a coffee or beer or if there's anything going on, let me know.


Feel free to ask any questions (so you know that I'm not a weirdo!)



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Guest V Harvey

Hi everyone,


I'm moving over to Perth in about 2 weeks from the UK - very exciting!! Would be great to meet up and meet new people,


V x

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Guest V Harvey

Hi Steve


I'm going to be in the same boat soon! Hope you have settled in well?




Hi all,


New guy to Perth. Came over last week and left all friends and family back home :sad:


I'm 30 and looking to make new friends. Don't start work until October 3rd but they seem like a good bunch of people and I'm sure I'll make friends through the job but it doesn't hurt to expand the network.


I intend to play football (soccer) in the New Year which will help but more than willing to meet people off here. It appears (forgive me if I'm wrong) that the site is more family focussed but if anyone is in the same position and fancies meeting up for a coffee or beer or if there's anything going on, let me know.


Feel free to ask any questions (so you know that I'm not a weirdo!)



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Hi V,


I've settled in well thanks. It's rained a lot since I've been here but I don't think I'll be complaining about the weather soon! Don't start work for another week so just exploring the city and figuring out where I want to live.


Been really lucky as I've met with a few people on here and also from another site called http://www.perthpoms.com/ (hope that's o.k for me to post here). Everyone's been really welcoming.


Are you coming over for work or just passing through whilst travelling?


I'm always up for meeting when you arrive and can let you know if I hear of anything happening.

Hi Steve


I'm going to be in the same boat soon! Hope you have settled in well?



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Guest V Harvey

Hi Steve,


Yeah I have been keeping an eye on the weather and willing it to improve soon ;) But like you said, I know it will soon enough! (Or I want my money back!) Yeah I plan to find work and stay there for a while then hopefully see some other places later on. Thanks yeah I have been on that site too, hopefully I can take part in the meet ups soon!


That would be great - about a week until I arrive now!



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Hi Guys,


Just moved out to Perth 3 weeks ago on my own and looking to meet new people to socialise with.


I am 26, soon to be 27 and currently living in Claremont, but hoping to move to somewhere closer to the city soon.


Would be interested in any meetups/beers/bbqs going on.



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Guest Rockabilly

Hi I'm from Dublin, Ireland and I've been living in Perth for 3 months now in the Fremantle area and would be interested in going to a get together to meet some new people. I'm 29 and my husband is a FIFO worker 4/1 schedule, so lots of spare time and haven't met anybody here yet

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