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anybody from SE London


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Hi is there anyone from SE London looking to or going through the process of migrating.. if so would like to hear from you; perhaps meet up etc.. :cute:

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We are currently in Carshalton not too far from Croydon but I am from Camberwell orginally SE5!


We are hoping to hit Brisbane next year, we have also met up with another local couple who are off in August as they just got their visa.


Where are you hoping to go, how far are ou along in the process etc?


PM me.


Tina, Family of Five.

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I am from Abbeywood.. single mum of three boys, 13, 11 & 9.. also looking to go early next year :)


Mine is just waiting for APHRA :)


I have Pm'd you thank you for replying.. YAY someone not soo far away :D

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Have to admit I am feeling the same and I have only just started the process..


Worrying as I will not know anyone there; but hope that myself and my children can make friends easily...


I do hope so... be nice to be able to give them freedom of being kids whilst they still can; as for sure they are not as free at present..


do keep me updated :D


How is your process going?





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Hi Valerie


Completely understand when you say 'allow children to be children whilst they can'. I'm regretting allowing my mother talk me out of applying years ago. Now my son is 17 I do question my rationality at the time.


I think we all have the same fear of not knowing anyone. Luckily it appears there a lot nice peeps on here & they seem to arrange coffee meets once you have emigrated. Where abouts are you hoping to move to?


Our process is going very slowly (or not quick enough for us, depending on how you see it lol). Our paperwork has been with the agent for a couple of months now & we are still waiting for them to do the skills assessment, but fingers crossed they start moving soon :wink:



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Hi Alexa


I feel perhaps at that time when you could have applied perhaps it wasnt the right time for you then; but now it is :D


Maybe because I was offered a job last year would of had a sponsor etc.. but I got cold feet and fear set in mainly because of me being alone when I do make the move; but I have had a long hard thought about it and decided that no more what 'if's' so im going to go for it, I know its not a fantasy or holiday, but a chance to make a difference for myself and hopefully my children :)


Oh I heard from APHRA they received my application on the 1/7/11, still not processed my money and couldnt say when they will take it; but they did say that for overseas applications there is a back log of over 6weeks before they process them.. :S


but that gives me a chance to get more relevant documents if they need it..


I was hoping to go to Brisbane or Melbourne; I guess it depends what kind of job offer I am offered as to where I want to go..


Yes I agree its taking a long time and by reading yours; its going to be a much longer anticipated wait.... I want it now lmao



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

We are in Croydon and hoping to migrate next year. Just beginning the process, but we'd definitely love some contacts from this neck of the woods to share experiences with! Hope you are all getting on well with your respective applications!

Dani and Hels :spinny:

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