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Social workers in Oz/driving etc

Wellers and Whitehead

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I am panicking slightly! I currently work as a CP social worker in the UK and have done for the past 2 years, I have worked with LAC for 2 years prior to this job role. I am unable to drive due to having epilepsy and have mananged with the help of good management to do my job without driving. We are emigrating to Perth, but having looked on the internet for jobs in perth, there are few jobs and 99% I have seen ask for a drivers license.


Are you a non driving SW or do you know of a non driving SW? Even hospital jobs ive seen in Perth, ask for a drivers license.



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Unless you live right in the city centres in Aus a driver's licence is pretty much essential if you want to shop and have a social life.


I guess there are social workers who work in the hospitals who are based there but most would go out as well. I remember when Mum was in hospital they had to take her to her home and check it out which required them driving her.


If you do not mind me asking do you have frequent episodes because otherwise if you are episode free for a a year here you can drive, my daughter only ever had one episode due to her tumour but she is considered an epileptic now and she drives, she just has to provide a doctors certificate every year.

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Heya, I'm an SW in Sydney, both jobs I've had here there's been people who haven't had driving licences, they use public transport or get lifts with other workers who are going the same way. May be worth looking at working for an NGO, I found them to be much more flexible when it came to things like being able to drive. Good luck!

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