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Our life so far in Oz


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Thanks Paul - I dont think that Australia is cheap but there are lots of wonderful bargains and deals to be had. I forgot to mention that I love the fact that parking is free in shopping malls - for the first 3 hours anyway. :)


I guess living in Oz one doesnt need to spend money - the weather is usually just perfect for a BBQ and a free outdoor lifestyle.

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Hi BetsyBlue


Glad you liked it. Let me know if there is anything I can help with regards to your eventual move to Oz.


Kind Regards,



Thanks Mel, much appreciated. Our move is still a good 2 years off though as I am at uni currently and need my degree to get out to Oz, so patience is the name of the game for me. However, on a brighter note, my husband was having a typically crap day at work and I without realising this forwarding him your blog. He said it brightend his day and reminded him to rise above all the rubbish that is going on there at the moment as soon enough he will leave and never look back :smile:


Good luck with your change in career, if your blog is anything to go by you'll be successful!!

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Hi Justin,


Wow - you live in Fareham. Not a bad place to live in the UK. At least its near the beach and the weather is slightly better down South. I see you are trying for permanent residency? We came over on a 457 visa. Company paid for our move over. The only thing with a 457 is that we have to pay school fees and private medical insurance and dont get any benefits. At least with PR you dont have to fork out every month and can claim certain benefits. Good luck with everything and let me know if I can help in any way.

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Oh! Betsy - I am so pleased I was able to help your husband. I know how frustrating the wait is. There were a couple of occassions where it almost fell through for us. It was like being on a rollercoaster ride. Awful! You just have to put a picture of your dream on the fridge and look at it everyday and know that you will eventually get there. Good things take time.

Good luck with everything. Enjoy your time left in the UK and go and do/see the things you always wanted to. It will probably be the last chance before you leave.

You will definitely miss things from the UK - you may not feel that way now but you will.

Even I coming from SA miss things about the UK at times but overall I am pleased we moved here and I am settling in very quickly.


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