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175 as a family?

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Hi all, i have been on this computer for 6 hours now researching a move down under and am a little bit stuck!

I am a 28year old nurse and my husband is a 34 analytical chemist. We have 2 children 3year old and 7month old.

All my dads family live in melbourne and we are researching in the hope of maybe emigrating. We want a better lifestyle and a more outdoorsy life for us and the kids. So this brings me onto......visas!

I understand you can get sponsored visa for nurses but then you must work full time for 2 or so years. At the minute in UK i work 25hrs (part time) because i don't want to work FT cos of the children. My husband works full time and so we are thinking along the lines of going for a 175 visa so we are under no obligation. The thought of being fired on a sponsored visa sounds a bit too risky!


If my husband got a 175 visa, can we all go to australia on this? And if so (which i think is right), am i able to eventually start working part time once we get the kids settled etc, or would i need a separate visa?

I REALLY dont want to go and for us both to immediately start work as want to make sure children are ok first. I don't mind if hubby works quickly as we would need the money.


This is such head melting stuff!!!

Thank you so much for reading this and i REALLY appreciate any help!!


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Hi all, i have been on this computer for 6 hours now researching a move down under and am a little bit stuck!

I am a 28year old nurse and my husband is a 34 analytical chemist. We have 2 children 3year old and 7month old.

All my dads family live in melbourne and we are researching in the hope of maybe emigrating. We want a better lifestyle and a more outdoorsy life for us and the kids. So this brings me onto......visas!

I understand you can get sponsored visa for nurses but then you must work full time for 2 or so years. At the minute in UK i work 25hrs (part time) because i don't want to work FT cos of the children. My husband works full time and so we are thinking along the lines of going for a 175 visa so we are under no obligation. The thought of being fired on a sponsored visa sounds a bit too risky!


If my husband got a 175 visa, can we all go to australia on this? And if so (which i think is right), am i able to eventually start working part time once we get the kids settled etc, or would i need a separate visa?

I REALLY dont want to go and for us both to immediately start work as want to make sure children are ok first. I don't mind if hubby works quickly as we would need the money.


This is such head melting stuff!!!

Thank you so much for reading this and i REALLY appreciate any help!!



Hi Kate,


One visa for the family is all you need :wink:


Good luck.

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Hi Kate, yep its just the one visa you need. The 176 visa is may also suit if you looked at state sponsorship for your husbands job. It needs to be on the relevant states' state migation plan, and on the Diac's list of occupations too.-Am sure I am right in saying that. If your husband's job is not there, you could apply for the visa as a nurse, what I am doing. I plan only to work part time too, and send my husband out to work asap!!!

If you have any other questions ask away,

Donna x

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