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do you REALLY have a better life in oz???


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I had 6 weeks of getting up every morning in brassic frozen weather, below minus 10 everyday last year, you couldn't get the ice clear off the car window to drive, it was freezing the anti-freeze. Winter is cold usually wherever you live, but theres cold and brass monkey minus 10 cold, it dropped to minus 27 one night in Yorkshire and was minus 15 regular. You get through it, you have to, what else can you do ............maybe move to Cairns. lol


-27? really?



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Guest famousfive

First of all I would forget everything you have seen on the idiot box as these shows are reality tv shows with the emphasis on the word 'shows' and definatly not on the word reality.

Moving to another country will not make your life better,it will make it different but never in itself make it better.However,the motivation and ambition required to make such a move may make a big difference to how you approach and live your life from that day forward.This has certainly been the case for us.Our life has not been better here in oz,in fact quite the opposite,but the experience and challenge of moving countries[multiple times]has made us reflect on and change aspects of the way we live as a family,resulting in changes which are to our benefit in the long term.These can be a change of career direction,spending more/less time together,becoming more independant as a family or realising clearly what is important to you in life etc..

In hindsight this could all have been achieved at much less cost if we had just moved area back home,or took the time and effort to sit down and have a good long look at where our lives were heading and made changes accordingly.

Look around you,look to other areas,look to how you would like to live your life but don't.Can you change any of it?Will moving to oz change it or will that change ultimatley be brought about by yourselves?Is it that you want to change your life or do you specifically want to live in Australia?This is an important question I believe many neglect to answer before making such a life changing decision,and the answer is crucial.

How long did it take you to get to where you are today in terms of lifestyle,friendships etc..Are you willing to have it take that long again?Because it may well take that long.The days of landing and being instantly better off are long gone.

Many aussies live a privileged life but likewise many just go through the motions of trying to keep their heads above water,just like it is in the UK really,such is reality.

I leave again this year after spending nearly three years here this trip with my aussie OH and three kids.We may return in later years to slow down but right now it suits our lives better to return home to where we feel there is more 'life' to living.All the best.

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Hi, not sure if we are being naive or looking through rose tinted specs, so maybe someone can enlighten us!

We are a married couple with 2 young children in UK. I am a part time nurse on about £17k and my husband is a chemist on £28 k. We just about get to zero each month after all our outgoings and believe me, we are not living a flamboyant life!!! No take aways, weekends away etc!


Our thoughts about moving down under.....we want a more outdoor life..to be able to plan your weekend activities without wondering what the weather will be like. Our salaries in melbourne would equate to about 120k aus dollars. Which initially we thought too good to be true! But upon looking at cost of living etc would we really be much better off?? Ideally we Love the idea of a swimming pool, bbqs all the time etc but is this reality? Do people really have the life that is portrayed on tv?! Or is it a case of the grass is never greener?!

Look forward to all the responses!!!


You will be as skint/well off as you are now on those salaries.


Moving to Australia doesn't change the number of hours in the day, so if you don't have time for BBQs and swimming pools now, you won't when you are here. Irrespective of the weather.


I think my main point, and that which others have already mentioned, is that your life will be different. That is priceless whether you enjoy it or not.:wubclub:



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Guest guest36187

Regarding teh weather: Posters are right - 4 seasons in one day.


Im up in QLD and have been almost 7 years. Summers here are 35 degrees upwards. Winter days can be 15 -25 degrees. However when you have had several months of 35 degrees, a twenty degree drop to 15 is bloody freezing.

I wear a jumper or cardy most days to work. I have heating on in AM and PM in Winter and air con in Summer.

I do think you need to look at why you want to come. Do the old pro`s and con`s list and see which list is bigger. I came here having never done an ounce of research! I wanted a clear head so I had no expectations. Worked for me but 7 years in, I am getting itchy feet. I am missing things that I had in uk. (Not that Im going back) but life out here isnt perfect.

I am unhealthier (medically) here than I was when I was in UK. I spend copious amounts of times in waiting rooms!!!


Not everyone has the big house, pool and boat. Life isnt like that here. You make your own life and make your own luck I believe! If you want a better life, come out here and work for it. But look at what a better life is for you? Is it more money? Better weather? time together?


What are you looking for???


Just some random thoughts...

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Guest famousfive
intristing pointers famous. how ever, i simpley carnt belief that youre life issnt better in Aus too how it was in UK.

Haha,not falling into the trap of feeling I need to justify that my life was better[i should have made clear I come from ireland not the uk too],it just was.To think it could not possibly be better is an odd view to take.Are you an aussie perhaps? :)

To address the question of why move just for something different and not necessarily better,well my life was pretty damn good as it was so it would seem a bit greedy to 'expect' better just by moving country.My sister once moved to africa for something different,would you consider this a crazy idea or would you applaud her sense of adventure?Life is for living I say,it would be sad if we only ever made decision baed on the fact that it will be better.Too predictable.

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Guest guest36187
Originally Posted by itmaybeaverage viewpost.gif

intristing pointers famous. how ever, i simpley carnt belief that youre life issnt better in Aus too how it was in UK.


Have to say, I didnt move for a better life as I didnt know if it would be!


I was part of the `we`ve got sod all to lose, a life ahead of us, lets give it a whirl" gang. My theory was if it worked, great. If it didnt I went back! Nothing ventured and all that!

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You already seem to know what your salaries would be and if you can do some comparisons about what type of house you might be able to afford, what area you want to live in, what type of "lifestyle" you want.


These type of things could all influence whether you will have a better lifestyle or not.


Melbourne doesn't have months of settled, fantastic weather like Perth or Queensland. If you want a life close to the beach and nice weather you wouldn't be even considering Canberra. I certainly couldn't live there.


You might want to look at other states and cities, see what the options are, if you can get jobs, what the salaries are, what type of house/suburb you could afford in those comapred to Melbourne.


You are thinking of moving half way round the world, you may as well look at all the options and go for the location that would give you the closest to what you are looking for.


Personally we have a great lifestyle in Perth and I couldn't imagine having anything like it in the UK. I couldn't even think of a place in the UK which could offer us what we have here if we had a 10 times the salary.


Sure you can "pop over" to Europe, as I've heard mentioned, but in reality how often does that happen. It all costs too. Here everything we used to go to europe for (mostly guaranteed sun for a couple of weeks and beaches) are right here on the doorstep.


Even if you are going to be just as well off, not better, in my opinion you may as well be here.

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I was thinking about this question as I was doing the hated Hoovering. If ever there was a chore with less satisfaction? Looking at all the fluff I missed it reminds me of smoking Silk Cut - you feel like you've been blowing not sucking.


Why did I pack that cushy job in with Hants County Council to come here in 1978? Then I went back to the UK and scored another cushy job with Royal Mail and I chucked that in too.


I suppose I/we look for adventure where we can? Perhaps if you are happy with your life in the UK then you will possibly be happy in Australia but moving here will certainly not cure UNhappiness.


Isn't there some sort of 'placebo effect' where, if you think things are going to be good, they sometimes are?


It often takes a while to adjust to a new life. When I came back in 2008 I remember thinking how rubbish the supermarket was and watching the news and thinking 'when does this Mickey Mouse stuff finish and the real BBC news from London come on.'


Now I can't remember what I used to get in ASDA or Waitrose and Aussie news is the real news!

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Guest Hatton
intristing pointers famous. how ever, i simpley carnt belief that youre life issnt better in Aus too how it was in UK.


My life is better in the UK as is my husband who is an aussie, all people are different and we do all the things we did in Oz here in Cornwall including swimming surfing fishing walking but in a more stunning setting, some will love Oz...some will love the uk....horses for courses.:cute:

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Guest Guest31881
My life is better in the UK as is my husband who is an aussie, all people are different and we do all the things we did in Oz here in Cornwall including swimming surfing fishing walking but in a more stunning setting, some will love Oz...some will love the uk....horses for courses.:cute:


Everyone likes different things that is the nature of the beast if we all liked the same things life would be boring. But I thought your husband wanted to go back to Australia and was staying here because you wanted to live in UK.

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I leave the house around 8:30 in the morning here in Brisbane so I can walk with my wife and 2 kids up to the local school. I then jump on my pushy and cycle the rest of the way to work - we are 4km from the city so it's not that big an achievement :). We are lucky enough to live in a lovely area full of trees, with a little creek and mothers/fathers and kids walking up to school together. I love that most winter mornings for what feels like months the sun has been shining and it has been a beautiful start to an often lovely 20c+ dry sunny day. My (english) wife and I often look at each other and declare what a beautiful day it is (she was at it again this morning) as it is just so nice to be alive in.


On the weekends we go to kids parties in the park or whatever and again the sun is shining, it is green and beautiful and I feel very lucky. I am not comparing as this life may be able to be had in the UK (and many other countries) as well, as it has many beautiful parts and good times of the year, but just wanted to let the OP know that the reality of winter here (in Brisbane at least) can be very pleasant.

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Guest Guest 47403
Regarding teh weather: Posters are right - 4 seasons in one day.


Im up in QLD and have been almost 7 years. Summers here are 35 degrees upwards. Winter days can be 15 -25 degrees. However when you have had several months of 35 degrees, a twenty degree drop to 15 is bloody freezing.

I wear a jumper or cardy most days to work. I have heating on in AM and PM in Winter and air con in Summer.

I do think you need to look at why you want to come. Do the old pro`s and con`s list and see which list is bigger. I came here having never done an ounce of research! I wanted a clear head so I had no expectations. Worked for me but 7 years in, I am getting itchy feet. I am missing things that I had in uk. (Not that Im going back) but life out here isnt perfect.

I am unhealthier (medically) here than I was when I was in UK. I spend copious amounts of times in waiting rooms!!!


Not everyone has the big house, pool and boat. Life isnt like that here. You make your own life and make your own luck I believe! If you want a better life, come out here and work for it. But look at what a better life is for you? Is it more money? Better weather? time together?


What are you looking for???


Just some random thoughts...


Joanne don't want to pry into what your health problems are, but are you unhealthier as a result of moving to Australia?

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Guest Hatton
Everyone likes different things that is the nature of the beast if we all liked the same things life would be boring. But I thought your husband wanted to go back to Australia and was staying here because you wanted to live in UK.


He only misses his family and his brothers but does not miss Oz at all, he loves Cornwall as much as me...we might go back one day for an adventure as we are still quite young but i do not want to go back to Brisbane ( to humid) and will try a different state

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Guest Hatton
Joanne don't want to pry into what your health problems are, but are you unhealthier as a result of moving to Australia?


I think you can be as healthy as you want in either Country.

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Guest guest36187

Hi, I don't know that I am unhealthier cos I moved here. Thats not quite what I meant. I was just trying to look at aspects of my life and answer the post!!! Lol


Life chucks curveballs! You just never know when they will strike! I could have health problems here or in UK but have had much more since being here.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF



3 December 2010

Temperature of -19C is new Yorkshire record



Cheers for that, i knew i had heard it was -27 it was the record in Scotland, they kept saying the record was going to be broken, because it was so frecking cold for so frecking long -19 is cold though and we had it below -10 for several weeks.

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Guest siamsusie

Australia was not the country of my choice to reside in, it just happens to be I met an Australian and it made sense work wise to set up home here for both of us.


I have lived all over the world, each country having its negatives as Australia does but the country affords me the life that I enjoy at present.


I think being so close to nature, the wildlife, the environment, etc. has brought out in me what I enjoy the most.

I am deeply humbled at having Pademelons (roos) Possums, Seals, the most wonderful bird life, Tassie Devils in my back yard backing onto the River Tamar.


Skiing in the mountains, fishing, boating, BBQ's all FOC and to be part of a community that is exceptionally proud of its island is very special.


I personally dont place too much credence on "living the dream" ..


Little acorns....

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Guest guest36187

Diverting slightly...


Susie, where have you lived? What what was your favorite place?


(Australia wasn't my choice either. I had a husband with a hankering to come here!)

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Guest Hatton
Australia was not the country of my choice to reside in, it just happens to be I met an Australian and it made sense work wise to set up home here for both of us.


I have lived all over the world, each country having its negatives as Australia does but the country affords me the life that I enjoy at present.


I think being so close to nature, the wildlife, the environment, etc. has brought out in me what I enjoy the most.

I am deeply humbled at having Pademelons (roos) Possums, Seals, the most wonderful bird life, Tassie Devils in my back yard backing onto the River Tamar.


Skiing in the mountains, fishing, boating, BBQ's all FOC and to be part of a community that is exceptionally proud of its island is very special.


I personally dont place too much credence on "living the dream" ..


Little acorns....




Living close to nature is a privilege, and Cornish people have a tight bond with the people and the seas...salt of the earth :cute:


I live so close to nature and often while walking the coastal routes see dolphins and whales which is brilliant.

Great link for people if they want a holiday in the South, you can walk for miles and miles without seeing another human being, just the birds and wildlife, try it...you will not regret it ( I sound like a rep for Cornwall) :cute:




The South West Coast Path National Trail - 630 miles of superb coastal walking. From Minehead on the edge of the Exmoor National Park to the shores of Poole Harbour in Dorset it is the best way to enjoy the wonderful coastal scenery, wildlife and heritage.



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Guest siamsusie
Diverting slightly...


Susie, where have you lived? What what was your favorite place?


(Australia wasn't my choice either. I had a husband with a hankering to come here!)


Holland of course Joanne lol.. its a hard question Joanne isnt it.. every country has its foibles !


Germany, Aden, Cyprus, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore,Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, France, Belgium , UK.


Germany I love Joanne, in the main it has to be one of my favourite European countries outside of Holland.


France for its architecture, language, culture and food.


Laos is very special for me, not an easy country to live in due to it being a Commi... but the people are lovely as are the Burmese.


Thailand is where my father lives and outside of the cities holds a special place in my heart... the house is situated by Friendship Bridge which the Australians built as a joint venture between Laos and Thailand.


Vietnam Commi ) is where Mr Siam and I would consider living 6 months of the year and affordable.



Sorry you asked:laugh:?



Susie x

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Guest guest36187

Thanks for your reply. I was curious where you'd been!! Lol


Germany is my OH favorite place. He's ex army so has been here, there and everywhere too.

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Guest Hatton

I love Germany and even love the people, not so keen on the French who I find rude and obnoxious (not all but a good proportion) love iTALIANS AS THEY ARE SOOOOO GOOD LOOKING.

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Hi, I don't know that I am unhealthier cos I moved here. Thats not quite what I meant. I was just trying to look at aspects of my life and answer the post!!! Lol


Life chucks curveballs! You just never know when they will strike! I could have health problems here or in UK but have had much more since being here.


From your post though there seemed to be an implication that they were because you lived here. Is that the case?

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Guest guest36187
From your post though there seemed to be an implication that they were because you lived here. Is that the case?


How do I know? They could've happened here or in Britain?????? All I was doing ( as I said above ) was trying to answer the post and look at life here, well my life here.

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