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do you REALLY have a better life in oz???


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Have a look at the last international servey, says it all to me.:wink:



Where to find nirvana ... The top 25 countries to live in for quality of life, according to International Living magazine.



Based on that shouldn't you be moving to France then :wink:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Based on that shouldn't you be moving to France then :wink:



France ............ its full of brit hating frogs.:laugh::yes:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Can't imagine why they wouldn't love us :laugh:



I think it stems from the war, the real problem with France is that they speak French and its hard enough trying to assimilate into a country without having to learn the lingo.

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Guest Guest31881
WOW!!!!!!!! If queensland didnt have the humidity i would be jumping on a plane right now with my WHV!! Stuff dave he can stay here!! lol. were those roo's in your garden?? I love the birds, so colourful. The only thing i get in my gardens are fat pidgeons and even fatter cats trying to eat them and crap in my garden!!



Not all of QLD has high humidity, where i live we do not suffer with the humidity that is found in places like Brisbane. I lived on Bribie Island before moving here and with the wind coming off the pacific i did not find it too Humid. :wink:

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
The breeze sounds nice!! just have to see where the work takes us! humidity or not! lol



Its incredible gal, waking up every morning to nice sunny weather and getting out and about and if you can, go down to the incredible beaches and swim in the warm sea and then being able to sit out every night, chilling out on a loungy chair, having a drink, is ............. my kind of heaven.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
sounds grate mate were in Qld are you




Dewsbury, just south of the city.:wink::wub:About an hour from surfers paradise, its incredible there, in the surf with the huge skyscrapers looming up above.

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Guest guest57588
sounds grate mate were in Qld are you



Top place Colac mate. Got some great memories of happy times their with my lads when they were nippers :jimlad:

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Guest guest57588
France ............ its full of brit hating frogs.:laugh::yes:



Is correct mate. Blummin' sheep-burning surrender monkeys the lot of 'em.

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To answer the original question, no. Life here is better in some respects, but for us, after 12 years, we have realised that better weather and a slightly bigger house really hasn't been worth the hassle of uprooting ourselves and starting all over again in a foreign country where we have no friends or family. Swimming pools? We couldn't dream of it. And as for being able to plan your weekends, well, you certainly need to factor in a lot more time to drive anywhere nice. Takes a couple of hours to get out of the city, and I'm afraid to say we find the Australian bush a bit uninspiring.

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To answer the original question, no. Life here is better in some respects, but for us, after 12 years, we have realised that better weather and a slightly bigger house really hasn't been worth the hassle of uprooting ourselves and starting all over again in a foreign country where we have no friends or family. Swimming pools? We couldn't dream of it. And as for being able to plan your weekends, well, you certainly need to factor in a lot more time to drive anywhere nice. Takes a couple of hours to get out of the city, and I'm afraid to say we find the Australian bush a bit uninspiring.



where in australia are you?

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I've spent a fair ammount of time in west Africa, so I am sure that Australia will not be a major culture shock. I enjoyed living in Africa, but I wouldn't want to raise my children there.


My net Aussie salary will be twice my UK gross, so the financial aspect looks good. My wife grew up in South Africa, so I am sure that she would settle in.


When it comes to my two daughter, I can afford to put them through Uni in Australia. In the UK, they would end up in debt and I would struggle to help them sufficiently in order to graduate debt free.


A swimming pool is top of my list when it comes to a house in a quiet area. I have bbq's at every given opportunity in the UK. I like the Aussie lifestyle.


I spent two brief periods in Australia with my work and I must say that the Aussies are very approachable and warm when you make the effort to integrate.


I watched Poms in Paradise and there was a couple who moaned about the Aussies being unfriendly. To be honest, I would have given them a body swerve if they were my neighbours. It was much easier for them to blame an entire nation than see themselves as the common denominator. I got the impression that they tried to ram New Ageism down peoples throat. I would have none of that nonsense myself, being a Christian. Each to his own but, respect my beliefs please.


For anyone who is nervous about the move please remember, it is a new chapter in your life, not the final one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WOW Thank you for ALL the responses. Someone (I cant remember who - sorry!) said something that stuck - how long has it taken to achieve your current lifestyle, friends etc, cos it'll take that long again to basically re establish your life on the other side of the world.

My baby has just in the last couple of weeks, developed health problems, and i think i underestimated the fact I have family living so close to me, and to leave that.......

So oz is on hold for now. But i really enjoy coming on this website to read other peoples thoughts!!!


thank you again to each and every one of you who have shared!!!!

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The only Pommies I mix with on a regular basis now are fellow Spurs fans whom I see at the Triple Ace pub in Sydney to watch all the games. I've already asked a few of them why they are here and not in England and they all (and the Irish ones) look at me as if I am crazy.


You know what, I'm going to be scientific, and at the next game - Man U in the league or possible Hearts in the Europa - I"m going to ask every one of them whether they are happy in Australia or whether they want to go home.


Then I will report back!


PS please don't tell me I can't be scientific because, being Spurs fans, we accept lower standards than the rest of humanity!

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