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Owning three dogs?


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Hi all.


We're considering moving to Oz next year after our wedding (perhaps after Christmas), and one of the things I remember my OH's mother saying was that dogs are restricted in Gold Coast. I checked their website and sure enough, you have to have so much land to keep dogs. I'm a Miniature Schnauzer breeder and also show, so I'm concerned that having three dogs will cause me trouble (it will probably be very expensive to ship them over too, but we can handle that). I'm in the position to just have two (my bitch is having a litter in a few months and I'm hoping there'll be a pup good enough to show in the litter which, if so, I would keep), but I'm just hoping to get some feedback with people who have moved over to Aus with three dogs.


Also, how much is it approximately to board your dogs at the quarentine kennels? I would be staying in Sydney with my brother and his fiance so I could see them each day and such.


Any advice would be great!

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Guest siamsusie

Hi Tulip,


Bumping this post up for you, I am sure you will receive some replies shortly.


best wishes


Susie x

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im in Perth but what i understood was each shire allows you 2 dogs, each must be registered and the cost of this depends if they are entire or not. As for boarding i belive you can only visit twice a week and then thats restricted, many people pay a dog walker to go in everyday or every other days, for one dog we were looking at 2500ish all in for a small corgi sized dog, but in the end rehomed him as the stress of the journey would have been to much.

take a look at this link, might give you a better idea


failing that google :)

good luck

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There is a 2 dog limit (one dog on plots less than 600sqmtr) on the council licence but if you are a breeder or do have more than 2 dogs you simply apply to the council for a breeders licence, have a look at these links as it will tell you exactly where you stand and what you have to do,,-





Hope this helps

Cal x

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Thank you for bumping, and all of these fantastic replies! Lots to look at; now we'll just have two dogs as I want to ship them so they can be crated together and kenneled together to lessen the stress (they love eachother). Am I still allowed to bring in lots of toys, beds, etc. for them at the kennels? Visiting twice a week should be fine, my brother has a car that we can borrow to drive out there (we'll be staying with him in Sydney whilst they're in the kennels), but then we'll ship them to Brisbane. Can we have them in the cabin with us as they're small?


Thanks again guys!

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Regarding the quarantine charges, you will also have airport pick up fee, and vet check fee on arrival, so take that into account when you are calculating costs! We used a dog walker for our two boy's, Sydney will send you details of the people they have on their books if you ask them!

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Hi, I spoke with the GC council last week regarding bringing another two dogs to add to our current one. As Cal said, you must live on a plot larger than 600m2 to be allowed more than one dog. If you want to have more than two dogs, you will need to make an application for the additional dog to the council for a fixed fee (three hundred and something dollars). The council told me that there were no speciifc guidelines to acceptance of additional pets but factors such as space and how close you are to other homes may be considered. The indication they gave me was that it was simply a paper exercise (your background depending). The local council laws only allow for a maximum of 4 dogs to be kept at a domestic home.


Bottom line is call the GCCC to be sure.

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Guest dannywh

Have i got this right, you cannot take 3 dogs to live in the gold coast??? i have 3 dogs and want to take them all with me. im confused now, is this not allowed in australia???


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You can but it may restrict where you live.

If you want to live slap bang in the middle of Pac Pines or Coomera waters on a 600square mtr plot with neighbours an arm stretch away ,its unlikely council will grant you a licence to keep 3 dogs.


If you have a read of the links i posted in the post above (i thinks its the 3 rd reply to this thread) it tells you exactly what is required of you and the GC council rules about keeping dogs..


Cal x

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