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New in Kiama

Guest Newlymarriedinaus

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Guest Newlymarriedinaus

Hi! I have been in Oz for a few months and home sickness has set in.

My husband is Australian and we started in Ulladulla. I have a job in Wollongong.

If any one can suggest any good courses, groups or clubs in on near Kiama, Wollongong or berry I would be very appreciative. So far my sister-in-laws advice has been have a baby then you will meet some friends! :wacko:


Looking forward to any advice that I can use.

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Guest Newlymarriedinaus

Thank you for your reply. Could you imagine answering the question 'why did you decide to have me' with I had no friends and needed to meet people!


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Haha I have a 9 month old and as I'm am home so much and not working I'm struggling to meet people, so I wouldn't do anything too drastic!!! :)

I'm in Sussex inlet, about an hour from Wollongong and everyone here is over 60! I'm 37 and I'm a single mum. Thinking about a move to Wollongong at some point. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest becki21

Hey, I know the feeling, we moved here in march, although I am working, I only work with 2 people. Finding it hard to meet friends:-/.. And I have been really home sick. Considerd the baby idea my self 2!. Living I Wollongong 2! X

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