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wanting to move back home


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Hi I am new here , I am trying to find out how i stand if i return to UK I have been here 45 years and i am 65 years old I have never been happy here came out one week after marrying and had two children have been back several times , but now my marriage is all but over and i want to go home . I will have some equity but will i be entitled to some pension over there I am still UK citizen but hold AUS residence Can anybody help me ? I am confused :confused:

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Check out the Centrelink site for people who are leaving, we do not have reciprocal pensions (that said its weird how Centrelink knows how much our pension is very three months). So you will be entitled to your Aussie pension and I guess after a holding period as you have returned permanently to the UK you would get the flat pension.


Have a look at the Longbenton site which handles oversees stuff, also give them a ring they are very obliging. OH has phoned them on several occasions.


Good luck

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Guest aussiepommy

Hello Mac

I have lived here for 22 years and up till 2005 have been very happy.I had occation to go back to the UK in 2005 to look after my dad and since then my hubby and I have been back 4 times our pet as been in quarantine 4 times,our furniture been back 4 times it is a nightmare. We are even thinking about doing it again.I receive part pension as I only worked from 15 to 42 but I was living in the UK before my 60th Birthday so I put the wheels in moption and receive 46 pound.I since found out that you can pay back your missed contributions but it is complicated but I have paid some of my missed years and get another 12 pound.Being only 65 you may be able to do the same but as it stand now you wouldn't get a full pension but things are made up with credits but how much you would get I couldn't say at this stage as I havent been through that yet.Things have changed greatly I was last there in 2009 my husband had gone for a job interview and we were very much assured the job was his. It turned out it wasn't and after 8 week we had to come back or we wouldn't have enough money to get us back,we spent 8 week with our pet in a rental car it was areful but that is how much we wanted to go back.Like I said we would go back now if my husband had a job but to do it without a job would be costly.I just made myself a member so I could tell you my experiences and hope it as helped,one other thing you would have no problem finding work and I think for men it is now 67. You would be best contacting Newcsastle 0044 191 2250735 or tvp.internationalqueries@thepensiionservice.gsi.gov.uk. Edith

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Hi AussiePommyourne, I am sorry i for got to mention i am a female Thanks for your kind reply I will try that I too have been back several times but my husband loved it here so i stayed now my marriage is all but over and at 65 i just want to go home and spend time in my home country Aus has been a great place to raise Children and i would never knock it but UK is still my home but its just the worry about pension that concerns me Thankyou so much for your reply God Bless

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Guest aussiepommy
Hi AussiePommyourne, I am sorry i for got to mention i am a female Thanks for your kind reply I will try that I too have been back several times but my husband loved it here so i stayed now my marriage is all but over and at 65 i just want to go home and spend time in my home country Aus has been a great place to raise Children and i would never knock it but UK is still my home but its just the worry about pension that concerns me Thankyou so much for your reply God Bless


Hi sorry I got that mixed up. Yes it i:elvis:s a great place but not home like you say. Thing is with the pension you don't think about such things when your young and I have heard of people that have kept up their contributions even though they were here but I never heard such a thing but I wish I had. If you have the money you can pay it all in one go and then you would have a full pension which is about 120 pound give or take. It is like with pets if ytou keep their pet pasport up you can go backwards and forwards but if you don't then they have either 6 month here in home detention or 6 month in the UK in quarantine and having done that onc`e I would not reccommend it. Our pet as just had her booster just in case. I came with my husband and son in 1989 was left here in 1992 and just strugglede, then I met Iain and we have been married for 14 years he is an aussie but his mum and dad were poms and he just loves it over there that is why we are trying so hard to go back . Take care Edith xxx

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Guest aussiepommy

Hi again,

I have just done a quick tot up I have till 2014 to pay 30.000 pound for a full pension, I paid almost $4000 to get the extra 12 pound which gives me 52 pound a week. Edith

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Guest guest12791
Hi AussiePommyourne, I am sorry i for got to mention i am a female Thanks for your kind reply I will try that I too have been back several times but my husband loved it here so i stayed now my marriage is all but over and at 65 i just want to go home and spend time in my home country Aus has been a great place to raise Children and i would never knock it but UK is still my home but its just the worry about pension that concerns me Thankyou so much for your reply God Bless

Hi Macalec, im sure you will be able to get your pension in the uk, follow your heart and your dream of going home, as you say australia is a great place but if deep in your heart you feel the pull to go home they do It!!!!!!!!!!!!! life is too short and when you look out the window on a cold winter morning and see the snow, especially at christmas you will have the deep contented feeling that you have obviously missed. God bless ya and keep you safe on your return, you are still so young to go and enjoy the things in life that are on hand , theatre, europe, culture , history, it will be a lovely adventure


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Dear Annemarie thankyou for your lovely post I wish i was still young , young at heart maybe !!! If only it was so esay As each day comes and gos I miss my home so much but if i get there and have no pension I dont know what i would do . I do know i cant live under my current circumstances for much longer I have two beautiful children who have told me to go as they know how unhappy i am and they are both married now and have their own lives Many thanks sweetie and God Bless You x

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Guest guest12791
Dear Annemarie thankyou for your lovely post I wish i was still young , young at heart maybe !!! If only it was so esay As each day comes and gos I miss my home so much but if i get there and have no pension I dont know what i would do . I do know i cant live under my current circumstances for much longer I have two beautiful children who have told me to go as they know how unhappy i am and they are both married now and have their own lives Many thanks sweetie and God Bless You x

Hello Macalec, i asked a friend of mine about her pension in the uk, she just gets her australian pension transfered into her bank, shes been home for 6 year now and her daughter stayed in melbourne!!!!!! shes happiest shes ever been. We are heading to yorkshire, how about you if you can get sorted out???? any help you might need just ask and if i can i will help with anything. Ive nursed patients 102 year old lately and believe me you are young and have many wonderful years ahead to look forward to, you can always give england a go if you feel you want to head back to australia then you can. I miss everything about home, knowing people since i was little, just saying hello to people who have known my mum before she died and the belonging. Its very odd, this is my second time in brisbane first time i came my father died and this time ive been here 6 months and my brother has died aged 42, sudden death, honestly life is short and id say follow you heart, your family will support you in your decision cos im sure youre a wonderful parent , keep in touch xxxxxxxx


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Hi again, just wanted to say its lovely of you to be so helpful you are obviously a very caring person and your reply meant a lot top me as not everyone understands how you can get so homesick and i must just say i was very saddened to hear your own story how very sad to lose a brother so young I lost mine when he was 60 and i had just spent 2 weeks in UK and 2 days after i came back he died of massive heart attack so i flew back but my heart gos out to you I would like to go back to Suffolk God willing I know if its meant to be i will go . But i wish you and your family all the very best and God Bless you and Thankyou again xxx Marion

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