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Living in Berwick with a lapsed social life!

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Hi there,


We, as a family, moved from the UK to Berwick just over 2 years ago and bought a house and a dog (so there's our commitment).


Our two girls have settled in well and are loving life down under.


Having spent the time renovating the house (whilst watching the housing market go down the drain!) and we me working from home part time and my wife working for a company which is, shall we just say, less than socialable at times we have come to realise that our social life is non-existant!


Is there anyone nearby who can resuscitate us?




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There are many other Brits living in your area and in the vicinity. Its a problem when you work from home that there is no interaction with others.


You could joint the local cricket club, RSL club you do not have to play to be a member but if you wanted to then they have grades right down to just about not playing :laugh:


Have a look at whats on in the local rag each week.


School is another place a lot of people meet at the school gate or helping out on fete days etc.


Britvic ladies have a book club that meets in Berwick about once a month so if you join that forum you may find some others who want to socialise.


Indoor soccer is popular as well.

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srp : Thanks for the info, I will do that tonight!


theonetruechris : Keep me posted with what you are doing. I see there was some talk about having a get together around here sometime soon, hopefully we can me up then at least!


Petals : Thanks for the suggestions. I take my daughter to netball at the Cranbourne Life be In It centre twice a week. They have beach volley ball courts there which look a lot of fun, particularly as many of the participants look as, erm, 'well toned' as I do (can you feel the irony here?). I haven't explored it much yet but you may need to get a team together to enter - which brings me back to square one for now!!!


Thanks to everyone, all suggestions gratefully received.



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