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British Playgroup on the Mornington Peninsula

Guest jed235

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Hi All,


We moved to Mt Eliza from England about 4 months ago and are loving it so far! I'm 31, my husband is 37 and we have an 18 month old son and a new baby on the way (due in a week!).


My health nurse mentioned that there was an English playgroup in Mornington, but from what I've read on here it doesn't seem to exist anymore - is this correct?


If it is still running, could you please send me the details of where and when? If it's not going anymore, would anyone be interested in setting one up again - or just simply a general regular meet-up in the park, etc? We are currently attending some toddler classes and a playgroup, but it would be great to meet some like-minded people with little ones in a similar situation to ours.




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