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Anyone for Golf?

Guest debs1966

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Guest debs1966



My partner and I have recently moved to Perth and are living in Duncraig we have only been here a couple of months.


My partner is finding it harder to adjust to life here more than me I think its mainly partly due to the fact he his not happyin his work (plastering).


Are there any guys out there that do golf on a regular basis or could anybody please suggest any golf clubs it may be worth him joining its just so he can start meeting people?


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks


Debbie :biggrin:

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Hi debs, I'll be out in the new year and will be looking for golf buddies, while oh half has her girlie coffee and cocktails :-)

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Guest guest37336

OK peeps, how this went from a thread about golf to a slanging match I don't know. So with this in mind remember that the personal insults are doing no good to the OP.


So please get back to the original genuine question and less of the bitching please.

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Guest guest37336

Never been one for golf, couldn't hit a bowling ball with an elephant me.:embarrassed::no:


But I am seriously considering taking it up.:idea:


Mad keen shark person me as you know, bugger the golf, I would be sat here all day.:jiggy:



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Guest guest37336

I must admit that I can watch it on the box for ages Stacey.


I 'think' it is Augusta, looks fantastic and truly great scenery, very peaceful and I can see the attraction, BUT.


The last time I tried was on a golfing range years ago. I 'hit' the ball OK, but the only problem was that the said ball would hit the overhanging facade on the tee off area.:no::no:


Useless, absolutely useless I was, but kept my mates entertained at the time.:biglaugh:

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least you can hit it, i cant even get the ball off the ground! If we go to perth im going to send dave to join in with nick and the others for a game lol. I just played that shark video, mum was listening while watching tv and she turned round and gave me a look as if to say "why the hell do you want to move there" lol!

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Guest guest37336

I equate golf to 'Swoffing' (salt water flyfishing,:notworthy:)


Takes years to learn the 'art', but never quiet there if you know what I mean.:no:


I have been a Swoffer for many years, still pale into comparison with some folk though.:embarrassed:


But I guess like golf it is a case of learning and trying to get better,:idea:

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OK peeps, how this went from a thread about golf to a slanging match I don't know. So with this in mind remember that the personal insults are doing no good to the OP.


So please get back to the original genuine question and less of the bitching please.


I'm late on this one but would love to know how the slanging match started, were they taking the piss out of my handicap ????

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