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Sydney Social

Guest emmag

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Hey everyone


A few of us are getting together next Saturday night for a few drinks and to meet some new people.

We're going to meet at The Lord Dudley pub in Paddington - http://www.thelorddudley.com.au/ (thanks for the suggestion Alex) around 5pm.

Everyone welcome, would be great to meet some new faces there!



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It's a nice pub, used to be my Saturday ritual to watch 'The Bill', then get the train to Edgecliff and meet my friend Bill for four schooners, never three, never five. I still like to drive past it but never stop. Maybe I will next Sat arvo (leave the car at home though.)

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Guest agnosia

Hi everyone.


I'm gonna try to come along but my Xmas work social is on Friday night so it depends how I'm feeling :S Hopefully see you all there!



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Great, looking forward to seeing you all there. I'm hoping to be there about 5pm, I don't know the pub at all so give me a call/text when you get there and I'll let you know where we're sitting.


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I had a good night too, starting off with a 378 Bronte bus to Paddo to meet my friend Karen at the Light Brigade Hotel. Walking up Oxford St near the market there was so many shops I wanted to spend some money in (money I don't have.) The Light Brigade was empty when I arrived but then first a wedding party came in from over the road, then one of those (irritating?) Xmas pub crawl parties - funny to see one of the latter lifting the kilt of one of the former. K and I went next door to the Wine Library - P.O.S.H. - two Belgian Gaulois? blonde beers $10.50 each.


K went home and I strolled through the back streets of Paddo/Woolahra to the 'Duddo.' First person I saw was my fellow Spurs fan from 'Ozspurs' - Dylan. Nice to meet you all and sorry I 'sloped' off but I was tired (and emotional) and hungry and did not fancy the menu at the pub. I had grilled fish and chips in 'A Fish Called Paddo' at Five Ways then I walked home to Surry Hills, stopping at the Trinity Bar for coffee, water, and one more middy.


The Trinity is a nice pub by the way, corner of Crown and Devonshire St, good food, friendly staff and the only pub in inner Sydney that I know that does not have bouncers outside.


PS - I was giving in to my 'sad' Beatles' addiction with that second photo!


The Quarrymen (also written as "The Quarry Men") were a British skiffle and rock and roll group, initially formed in Liverpool in 1956,[2] which eventually evolved into The Beatles in 1960. Originally consisting of John Lennon and several schoolfriends, The Quarrymen took their name from a line in the school song of Quarry Bank High School which Lennon and most of the other original group members attended. Lennon's mother, Julia Lennon, taught her son to play the banjo and then showed Lennon and Eric Griffiths how to tune their guitars in a similar way to the banjo, and taught them simple chords and songs.

Lennon started a skiffle group that was very briefly called the Blackjacks, but changed the name before any public performances. Some accounts credit Lennon with choosing the new name. Other accounts credit his close friend Pete Shotton with suggesting the name. The Quarrymen played at parties, school dances, cinemas and amateur skiffle contests before Paul McCartney joined the band in October 1957. George Harrison joined the band in early 1958 at McCartney's recommendation, though Lennon initially resisted because he felt Harrison (still only 14 when he was first introduced to Lennon) to be too young





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Guest newbie28

Great to meet you all too, sorry I left earlyish but promised to meet some friends, I ended up having a late one (5am!)


Must arrange another get together soon.


Thanks for the good luck Alex!



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