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City & Guilds HELP


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Hi All


Does anyone know if a city & Guilds qualfiication is recognised for a visa application.


We have tried several routes to get to Oz without sucess and OH was going to do one of those 6 week intensive Tiling courses that you gain a city & guilds at the end of it. We just dont know if this will be enough as he wont have any work experience when we apply.


if all else fails we will have to stump up the cash to go on a student visa but it is so expensive we would rather try and get a qualification over here as it is alot cheaper.





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Guest Tom the Pom

City and Guilds shoudn't be a problem as they are a recognised body.


Visa/TRA applications are more bothered about experience and how long you have been doing the trade you are applying for.

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Guest nigel and lisa evans

hello mandy


bumbed into x brother in law last weekend he now works for a company that sells these sort of quick six week courses

he was telling me it cost about 5 grand and was a complete waste of money it does not guarantee you city and guilds just starts you out he say its all very misleading

im not saying for 1 minute all these courses are the same just to be careful

im a carpenter i did 4 year apprenticeship to gain city and guilds been doing it nearly twenty years still dont know it all

when doing my tra had to prove qualification and also experience references from previous employers they wanted to know how many years hours i worked etc etc

hope it all goes well for you but just be careful my opinion is you cant learn a job in six weeks


sry if the post is a bit negative but like i said dont waste your money on a course until you have found out if it will be accepted by tra

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A city & guilds is recognised as part of an apprenticeship but its no good doing a 'quickie' course as the tra wants you to show that you have several years of experience in a trade.

Good Luck

Mandy x

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Hi All


thank you all for your replies, its been a great help. So now decision is made I will apply to go to college and we will just have to hope that I get accepted so fingers crossed I get a place.


Thanks again you have saved us a couple of hundred pounds.




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Guest michele'n'michael

Just to agree you need at least 6 yrs experience for the TRA & it has to be the last 6 years. ie you can't have for eg been a plumber 15 years ago, done no plumbing since then try to get in on a 136 skilled visa as a plumber.

Good luck!!

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