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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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is it a week on friday yet? all these goodbyes are hard, and I am totally drained


:hug: And a nice cup of tea? :biggrin:


aphra contacted me to say they had received my application but the fees had changed, so I emailed them back to give the go ahead for the bigger amount PDQ! :yes:

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Guest tandcmum

going to have a major blitz today i think, pack the cases then i know what still needs washed or sorted, take some stuff to tip, charity etc

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Guest Bouncer Mangle

Yesterday I joined this forum but not yet 100% .... maybe when the sun comes out here again I will change my mind.

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Guest tandcmum

just said goodbye (well not goodbye, just see you in a bit longer than normal) to my parents. This is much harder than I imagined

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just said goodbye (well not goodbye, just see you in a bit longer than normal) to my parents. This is much harder than I imagined


Guess that's where we'll be lucky - I only have my brother and his wife to say goodbye to and as we only see them every 3 months it won't be quite so hard. We decided to wait on making the decision to emigrate until after mum died as we knew that we wouldn't be able to leave before then.


Good luck with your final preparations - not long now until 27th :smile:

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May never get there now!


Realised today that I have left hubbies birth cert in the library photocopier!:embarrassed: as he was born in PNG this could prove a major problem, the libabry is shut on wednesdays too! roll on 9am tomorrow


Good luck!! It's scary the things we do when stressed. I'm sure the library will hold on to it for you if they find it. Fingers and toes crossed! :smile:

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Tandcmum I know exactly how you feel! Just about managing to keep it together saying goodbye to friends at work and leaving our home yesterday after the packers left, but I'm dreading the airport trip on Monday and having to say goodbye to my parents, it is really hard. I feel sorry for whoever I have to sit next to on the plane, I dread to think what I'll be like for most of the trip and feel quite tearful just thinking about it.


Keep going chuck, it'll be ok and I think once you're on your way and landed in Australia it'll be exciting, at least thats what I keep telling myself so I hope it's true!

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well we've have the removals company here yesterday giving us our quotes for shipping:biggrin: plus the house went on the market today so all going well we will be there in no time toooo:rolleyes: ive already done the de-clutter thing its just a waiting game now!!!, see you soon guys.....

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Hubby realised that his cousin knows a libraian at our library, and lo and behold we got her number and yes a birth certificate has been found in the photocopier :biggrin: Thank god for that! Now I can sleep tonight, phew!


So what I have I actualy done today to get into Oz and not hinder it, sold some more books. The kids are starting to panic though, as everything I look at I am assessing wether we can sell it. I didn't realise how openly ruthless I was being until my youngest (he's 3) said 'Mummy, I love these wellies, I don't want to sell them!' Bless him, I'm not going to sell the clothes off their backs, (yet, :wink:not until summer at least!)

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Guest tandcmum

today I am having a no crying day :biggrin: going out for brekkie this morning with my friend and borrowing her shredder, then i'm going to spend the afternoon shredding all our old documents. I am also bagging up final bits of toys that are being donated to friends ready for them to pick up, and then i will do whatever else i can find to do.My corner of stuff to take to charity or recycle is coming along nicely


a week tomorrow :chatterbox:

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We landed in Perth on Monday afternoon and the Weazel Clan are now Ozzie Permanent resisdents :em3600: We spent yesterday chilling out at my Sister place in Two rocks. Mrs Weazel drank a large amount of cocktails with my Sis + BIL and landed up pretty well inebriated, I had abstain apart from 2 ciders as I had to drive:cry:. We also had a BBQ and mananged to scoff what felt like half a sheep, Lamb tasted fantastic. Today have spent looking at houses and I have to say feel a bit shell shocked I really cannot believe the prices some people are asking for properties that I wouldn't expect a dog to want to live in! Either Ozzies are mad or I will have to adjust my expectations!

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Guest laroo76

Holy shizzle Batman, second viewing tomorrow, seem really keen, if we get an offer from this couple then a 6 week turnaround could be in order!!! eek!! We were thinking July but could be June long weekend!!!

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Today have spent looking at houses and I have to say feel a bit shell shocked I really cannot believe the prices some people are asking for properties that I wouldn't expect a dog to want to live in! Either Ozzies are mad or I will have to adjust my expectations!


So I guess your dream of acreage is out the window:frown:, have you looked at new builds as the 4x2 houses seem to be between $350k and $400k ??

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Hi Guys,


Well the my migration agent is putting together 1st part of 175 visa application, and I have supplied her with the supplementary information. It was a bit awkward, as my mother and I don't speak, and she wouldnt give my any information regarding her husband (step dad) or his daughters.... despite my sister asking for me.


My bathroom is getting tilled , and photographs are being taken today for letting agent as looking to rent out property when/if we move.


I keep feeling as if I have forgotten something hmmmm...

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I have just bought a tonne of sand and put it in my garage, bought a couple of sun lamps and got me lounges out and i'm sat in my speedo's and i have got one of those big screen projectors on my garage wall watching the lates episodes of Poms in paradise, i have almost created life in Australia and it sure has given me a much needed lift in driving me towards getting to Austraaaaaaalia? Lol

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Guest kerry19

Hi all,


Dave I don't know whether I'm right or not but couldn't you go to the registry office to find out if your finding it difficult?


Today I have been sat looking out the window at the rain thinking "this time next year....." (hopefully!!)

Still waiting for the skills assessment to come back, still waiting for someone to buy my house!


I've made list of what we are definitely taking with us and tried to work out if it's worth taking our car, that I can't decide because it's making my head spin looking at all the details!


kerry x

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Guest tandcmum

anyone want 6 bin liners full of shredded paper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! notel to self, never let the paperwork build up this much again, this is shredding hell!!!

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Guest kerry19

tandcmum, you need to find someone with a hamster!!! Lol not long for you now! Hope your not too stressed!!

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