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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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were back living with the parents, thing is nither house is big enough so 3 of us are living between 2 houses 7 mile appart for atleast another 8 weeks,,,,,,, MAJOR STRESS. try and talk someone into a 3 month rental just dont do what we have done :(


thing is that you would think you will save alot of money but thats not the case because every chance we have to do something as a family were away doing it, spending a fortune



Hello Gordo,


Think how me and Dave feel!! especially dave living with his darling brother LOL. Hows it going? not saw you about in a while, thought you'd buggared off to oz already without saying bye lol

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I know I've been extra quiet on here but I've been soooo busy. Tomorrows the day for the removal company, woo hoo.... Even though I'm knackered do you think I can get to sleep...... Nope! Can't believe this is our last night in our house, very strange feeling!


2wks Sunday till the mighty flight. Wish my husband was coming its us, so much for a relaxing flight with my gorgeous monkeys :0) Still I think I'd rather do it alone with them than go here he's off o with work, lol.



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Guest tandcmum

can't believe it s a week today till we fly, this week has been really hard and almost questioning ourselves why on earth we are doing this, i'm sure this is perfectly natural when you are this stage, and obviously i do know why we are doing it and why it is the right thing but the sadness of leaving friends and family sort of consumes you. I have often seen post similar to this from people in the run up to moving and always wonder how they can feel like this but believe me it just creeps up on you. Roll on next friday when i can jump on that plane have a glass of something strong and relax and look forward to our new exciting life and adventure.

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I have been looking up flights for a reccie in Dec - not cheap. OH does not want to spend the money as he says we know what its like, I just feel if I am there this year it will help me to cope with the waiting and waiting and waiting and oh more waiting!!!!

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Guest nimhug

Today my OH posted our first box of stuff to Oz ( we are not bringing too much!) And I Australianised my 'resume'! (In anticipation of visa!)

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Guest laroo76

After second viewing had offer on house!! eek, we are just negotiating on price, left the ball in their court, fingers crossed we hear back Monday!!

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Guest clairekb

i persauded my ex-husband to let me move our daughter to australia and booked the appointment with the solicitor to certifie his consent :)

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Guest tandcmum

we have 4 days to go and a list as long as my arm, still a few niggly bits of paperwork to do, everything left in the flat now needs to go in the bin and it is trying to juggle what is needing to be left out for the final days and what can go today. I am having a total mental breakdown, it doesn't matter how hard you think you are and how much you convince yourself you will be fine leaving, it has hit me like a bus, i am a combination of petrified, nervous hoping we don't hate it, and a bag of tears at leaving everyone behind, I'm even struggling to muster up the excitment i have had for so long anymore. I think onw of the hardest parts for me is that we have lived in scotland for 7 yrs but have no family or anything up here (just some very close friends) if for any reason we decide to move back to the Uk i know it wouldn't be to Scotland as it would be pointlless moving back to be isolated from family again, but I wouldn't want to move back to England so it does all feel very final, hopefully that will be a positive thing when we are over in Oz as we wont have the pull back to the Uk so we will put all into settling down and building our new life. I'm sure it is going to be an amazing adventure.


right away to fill a few more bags of rubbish then off to one of my friends for a bite to eat and a natter (and no doubt more tears)

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Checked the status of my e457 application every 30 minutes - even though I know the office is closed!

Watched old wanted downunders and tortured myself wondering why we left in the first place!

.....oh and our boxes are being picked up today to sail back to the land of Aus so fingers crossed for that visa!!!!!

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Guest Hacking family
we have 4 days to go and a list as long as my arm, still a few niggly bits of paperwork to do, everything left in the flat now needs to go in the bin and it is trying to juggle what is needing to be left out for the final days and what can go today. I am having a total mental breakdown, it doesn't matter how hard you think you are and how much you convince yourself you will be fine leaving, it has hit me like a bus, i am a combination of petrified, nervous hoping we don't hate it, and a bag of tears at leaving everyone behind, I'm even struggling to muster up the excitment i have had for so long anymore. I think onw of the hardest parts for me is that we have lived in scotland for 7 yrs but have no family or anything up here (just some very close friends) if for any reason we decide to move back to the Uk i know it wouldn't be to Scotland as it would be pointlless moving back to be isolated from family again, but I wouldn't want to move back to England so it does all feel very final, hopefully that will be a positive thing when we are over in Oz as we wont have the pull back to the Uk so we will put all into settling down and building our new life. I'm sure it is going to be an amazing adventure.


right away to fill a few more bags of rubbish then off to one of my friends for a bite to eat and a natter (and no doubt more tears)[/quote

Good luck with everything, I am sure you will be fine, I keep telling myself I'm going on an extended holiday but I know exactly how you feel. I had a minor meltdown the weekend we moved from our housein to rented. My 11 year old is adamant that she does not want to go and now I feel so guilty dragging her away from what she knows to fulfil my dreams. It will be tough and there will be times when you wonder what the hell you've done but if it's what you want you've got to try it. Keep us posted on how it goes, love Sarah

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Guest tandcmum
we have 4 days to go and a list as long as my arm, still a few niggly bits of paperwork to do, everything left in the flat now needs to go in the bin and it is trying to juggle what is needing to be left out for the final days and what can go today. I am having a total mental breakdown, it doesn't matter how hard you think you are and how much you convince yourself you will be fine leaving, it has hit me like a bus, i am a combination of petrified, nervous hoping we don't hate it, and a bag of tears at leaving everyone behind, I'm even struggling to muster up the excitment i have had for so long anymore. I think onw of the hardest parts for me is that we have lived in scotland for 7 yrs but have no family or anything up here (just some very close friends) if for any reason we decide to move back to the Uk i know it wouldn't be to Scotland as it would be pointlless moving back to be isolated from family again, but I wouldn't want to move back to England so it does all feel very final, hopefully that will be a positive thing when we are over in Oz as we wont have the pull back to the Uk so we will put all into settling down and building our new life. I'm sure it is going to be an amazing adventure.


right away to fill a few more bags of rubbish then off to one of my friends for a bite to eat and a natter (and no doubt more tears)[/quote

Good luck with everything, I am sure you will be fine, I keep telling myself I'm going on an extended holiday but I know exactly how you feel. I had a minor meltdown the weekend we moved from our housein to rented. My 11 year old is adamant that she does not want to go and now I feel so guilty dragging her away from what she knows to fulfil my dreams. It will be tough and there will be times when you wonder what the hell you've done but if it's what you want you've got to try it. Keep us posted on how it goes, love Sarah


Thanks Sarah, it is very hard, but i think it would also be un natural not to feel like this. As you say if its something you have always wanted you have to give it a go or forever live with the what if's and having turned down a couple of jobs before and have even been on and off in this process i know that eventually that niggle comes back again that you are regretting not giving it a go. Honestly if i could withdraw my notice now, go back to work, forget it all happened i would, but i know that would be stupid and a complete waste of money and i would kick myself for years afterwards so i'm just going with the flow, if the tears come they come, but inbetween i am looking forward to the adventure.


Have a had a lovely couple of glasses of champers with my pal today and we have been planning our girly weekend to fiji when they come and visit.

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