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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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Today I convinced my DH that he has to take the ielts again! even though he doesn't want to!

Cleared out some clothes 2 bags of stuff that I will have after the baby is born and two so far for the charity shop!

And of course checked the TRA website to see if the poxy pooheads have decided to do any work! - No joy!

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I have done nothing today, but I did get an email from my CO stating that she now has all the info needed and visa should be ready for finalising in July. :biggrin::biggrin:


Well, I had to do a very big excited jig around the house. We still don't want to book flights until I actually have the visa, but an idea of a date from the offical is so exciting.


On a mission now, ebay session on tomorrow

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Booked our tickets(mine & DD) for Aug 4th...yippeee handed over notice at work...OH is already in Aus hunting for a job...

Now for me to look at packing & shipping & what not....not easy with a 3 year old jumping in between everything....

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Wonderful news from all our PIOers!!


Today, my migration agent has completed our Victoria Sponsorship lodgment! Yay!! Now, for the long wait again, haha! (Hope it won't be too long!)


It's all waiting lol!


You just have to time to go hurrah when you receive your IELTS, VETASSESS etc and then it's on to the next piece of paperwork, submissions and another big wait :laugh:

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More decorating, sorting through stuff and I applied for another job.


I also looked at the cost of flights, accomodation, joined PerthPoms, watched Aussie Rules on tele, spent time outside in the sun this weekend and wondered what it would be like to live somewhere where we could do that on most days.

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Guest laroo76

All our boxes from Sevenseas arrived, so we spent the weekend sorting through the loft,, you dont realise how much you stash up there!!

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I have been offered a job in Perth, but seems so difficult in actually gettin there. Agents want a small fortune to sort visa applications out, without no guarentee. Dont know what to do next.??????????


As long as your qualified to do the job then i dont see you having much problems getting a 457 visa. Will the employer help pay it? I know sometimes they dont though cos we were basically told by a company a few days ago that they would consider sponsoring dave as long as it didnt cost them a penny. Have you tried that company that i told you about? I think some people dont even bother with a agent for 457 visas, dont quote me on that though

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Guest Hacking family
Huge congratulations Sarah, that was super quick. I remember the feeling when i woke up and checked my emails and saw my grant letter sat there.


When are you hoping to make the move?


We have booked out flights for the 28 June, have handed my notice in at work and had the first of many farewell get-togethers x

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I had a realisation this morning that we plan on moving out of here in 4 and a half months, so went into slight panic mode :shocked: Having taken a break from the sorting out, we are fully back into the swing of things. Piles of books sorted, stuff on ebay, car boot number one planned for Wednesday (the sun better stay or else!), and to do lists all revised.


Feeling slighly less panicky now, time to sit down and put me feet up and try not to look in the direction of the CDs and DVDs that also need to be sorted!

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Got my first shipping quote. Working up to getting dogs rabies bloods booked. Hubby still not signed actual contract and house not exchanged contracts yet - I don't want to jinz anything by getting carried away too early but also quietly freaking out that we may need to be out of house and contents on the way and us be on a flight in 4 weeks!

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Guest laroo76
Got my first shipping quote. Working up to getting dogs rabies bloods booked. Hubby still not signed actual contract and house not exchanged contracts yet - I don't want to jinz anything by getting carried away too early but also quietly freaking out that we may need to be out of house and contents on the way and us be on a flight in 4 weeks!


We are abit the same. Waiting for contracts to exchange on house, but looking like flying 23rd June, but cant book anything till contracts exchanged... thats less than 6 weeks away now and getting closer everyday!! So we ordered boxes from one company and doing some packing everyday to try and make it not such a big job in one hit!!

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I gathered lots of evidence for RPL to attain a Diploma of Management. This should help with a skills assessment if we need one for Office Manager.


We talked to our kids about making the move and now have them on board. Yippee - this is weight off my mind.


It feels good to make a start on making the dream a reality

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

We watched six episodes of Wanted Down Under, well ..... We fast forward it to the houses, that's all we want to look at, they are incredible. The good ones, not the crappy first one they show for effect. Lol

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