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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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Things are pretty hectic in the Weazel household, so much to do (hence lack of PIO communications) House is on the market and we still have the finishing touches to do, dust everywhere, definitely in no state for viewings! To top it all the moving people are coming today to give a quote just to jack the pressure up a bit !!

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Things are pretty hectic in the Weazel household, so much to do (hence lack of PIO communications) House is on the market and we still have the finishing touches to do, dust everywhere, definitely in no state for viewings! To top it all the moving people are coming today to give a quote just to jack the pressure up a bit !!


On the market.......................Hooray !

Our local movers are booked........£400 I didn't want to pay but with a broken ankle what can I do ??:arghh:

Just can't wait to complete and get to our 3 month rental so we can finally book Florida and our one way tickets to Perth..................the fun bits................it's been manic for so long now !

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Great updates people! :) I haven't done much in terms of getting ourselves to Oz! But have been researching areas to look at to rent with my husband around the West side of Melbourne up to Geelong along with input from my brother (he was on MSN on Saturday) and I had a lovely catch up with him! My brother lives in Melbourne and he's always liked Point Cook, so we're thinking of looking at Sanctuary Lakes whilst we are there! And some other areas in between during our reccie trip in July! Less than 2 months to go to our reccie! Yay!

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Guest Illumanati2
Sorting out evidence for TRA application. Hoping to submit this at the end of may

any templates of previous TRA apps would be great- just to see if im on the right tracks lol

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Some brilliant news!!!!


We had a builder round last night to give us a quote for some damp repair. Trimmed all the bushes in the garden, need to get the paintbrush out this week for final touch ups and get the house on the market. Hoping for a tourist out on their hols over the Summer, falls in love with it and has cash waiting to spend.


Illuminati2 - Sorry can't help with the TRA template, but you might be better putting a sep post under the Migration Tab and hopefully someone could dig out their papers for you etc.

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Guest AKA63029
Good luck Web, hope you get the sale soon, fingers crossed for you all.:yes:


PS. You couldn't nip around here mate could you and do some gardening, yours outshines mine at the minute.:wubclub:


Cheers The Triffid.

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Guest guest66832

Just bought my flight tickets with Singapore Air, I fly out on the 5th July!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:

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Knocked another 5% off today,cba waiting till July,plus giving £500 decorating allowance,which easy covers it as just emulsioned walls and stained wood,clean and easy maintainance,ah well,cant do any harm,we'l see.....

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More boxes packed and the playroom cleared of all but a few toys. The 6yd skip eventually arrived and is already half full with crap from the sheds and garage, it will be full by end of play tommorrow thanks to my neighbour for loading it up while I sit and direct with my crutches !

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We have been busy bees here.


Filled the car and went to the dump, whoop whoop!

Moved the boys into the same bedroom, so we have an offical 'sorting room' (aka - room where everything gets chucked and the door shut quickly!)

Attic empty

Hubby gone to London to get boys passports sorted


Feeling productive

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I filled in my first proper job application a week ago ( in NSW) and was telephoned on tuesday to confirm an interview and at 3.20 am this morning I had my telephone interview. I have my fingers crossed and too awake to sleep now! its 3.50am :)

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I filled in my first proper job application a week ago ( in NSW) and was telephoned on tuesday to confirm an interview and at 3.20 am this morning I had my telephone interview. I have my fingers crossed and too awake to sleep now! its 3.50am :)




Good luck with the job Del.


Hope you get good news soon. :biggrin:

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Worked late into the night, still sawing and planing until 12:00. At this rate I will have a DIY ASBO within a month. Got our first viewing for the house today, fingers crossed that one viewing is all that we need:smile:.




All the best with the house sale Web!



Hope the viewing goes well.


The house looks FAB! :yes:



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Not been on this thread for ages, probably cos we've been dabbling with the kiwi side for a while lol. Well i've been pestering a few aussie companies recently and might actually be getting somewhere with it. Im like a pitbull that wont let go lol :laugh:

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Viewing went well, viewers said they are interested but want to look at a few more houses! Only one negative as they came through the door my 5 year old son announces that we are moving and then fills them in that its to Australia!


Don't worry mate, we ddn't hide the fact from anyone and did alright !

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I absolutely sick of working on the house so today is going to be a sort through and clean up day I need to get rid of all that stuff I have been keeping just in case I need it for the House. Today John Mason (movers) are coming in to do a quote so hopefully we will be more orderly then when PSS came earlier in the week!

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