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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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Our first time buyers who wanted character have pulled out when they realised they'd have no spare money after mortgage to pay for any maintenance necessary on an older house :wacko:


Well hacked off here! But we are pressing on regardless as hubby now really doesn't want to stay and is so excited at starting his new job - will just be more tricky but not impossible so


Geelong/ Torquay - watch out we're still coming!!! :yes:

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Guest laroo76

Hoping house should exchange this week... so opened NAB accounts, ready to go,, still packing and ebaying,, starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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Booked 3 removals companies to come out to us in deepest darkest cornwall, have to wait till end of June, but they will come (although, some made it sound like I was asking them to go to the moon!)


Started the kids culling their books, harder than it sounds

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Sorry to hear that Mummoffour - hope you find another buyer soon.


I am having a meltdown here - dreading OH's tech interview tomorrow.


I am trying not to stress out OH, but so far it has not worked. Just spoke the Folks and they have the Squits with worry. Is it all worth it I ask myself?

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Wishing you the best of luck Derham! :yes:


Be yourself.....sure you'll be great!


Thanks, not sure it went all that well. Skype failed to work so we had to talk on the phone, and thats not theasiest thing to do in the world but heres hoping.

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Guest Tracey72

Did another viewing for my house as people pulled out for no reason the other day :mad: fingers crossed now as probably flighing on 14th July!!! Hard work blitzing the house all the time for potential tenants as I have 2 kids lol. Waiting for hubbys sponsor to book flights.........ASAP!!!!!!

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Guest AKA63029

Well, finally come to a decision about 'our' future.


HUGE weight off my mind and feel a lot better about the future.:wink:

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Well, finally come to a decision about 'our' future.


HUGE weight off my mind and feel a lot better about the future.:wink:


Thats great-- I am the queen on indecision so can appreciate how much relief it is to actually decide on something this major!

Now spill the beans -- what r ya doin?

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Guest AKA63029

Well peeps, had a long hard chat with Ruth and the Herbert's.


Whilst we have very little debt compared to many we do still have a certain amount of debt outstanding from Ruth's previous marriage and the mess I has to clear up, still trying to as well.


Going around in circles here, work is very hard to come by, and with Ruth's health it has always been my main priority, so always 'had' to work around those issues.


We have come to the conclusion that we can afford to get Ruth's car back on the road, and that will give her a little more independence, the Herbert's are now 17 and 19, so well able to look after 'Mum' to a degree, which is a huge weight of my mind.


I will be travelling back to OZ within two months (hopefully sooner) with my tent and finding work out there, I can then afford to concentrate 'solely' on earning dosh and this will enable us to clear every debt we have.


I know, I know, I have been told time and again I will never find work in OZ, never find accommodation, blah, blah, blah, but each and every time I have managed to find work, so it won't be any different this time, from cleaning loo's, stacking shelves to working for the councils again.


It is a HUGE weight of our shoulders as the debts Ruth incurred before I cam e back were BIG, and even though I have paid a lot of there is still a away to go.


I have lived on Super Noodles and 'camped' before and I'll do it again to make Ruth's (and mine if honest) mindset a little easier.


I have promised Ruth I won't go fishing all day, (bugger) but I also have several contacts out here that 'may' turn into something of a more 'permanent' nature, you never know do you.


Cheers Tony.

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Guest AKA63029

Forgot to add.


My parents are true Diamonds, and if things get a bit much for Ruth they have said (demanded) they would love her to stay with them in North Yorkshire, :wubclub:


Ruth loves it up there as it gives her time to bitch about me along with my mum.:laugh:


My two Herbert's are very capable of looking after the house and themselves for a few short weeks/months if needs be, and in truth they would love it.:skeptical:

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Guest AKA63029
As always Tony.........wish you all the very best for everything. :yes:


In a way my friend I know it sounds selfish to do such a thing, but Ruth is in a far better place now (mentally) and as long as she can see the 'target' and why I'm doing it I'm sure all will be OK.


And lets be honest, if it all goes Pete Tong I come back, simple as.:yes:

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That sounds like an excellent plan Tony - so pleased for you all :smile:



I too, over the years, have had health issues and it has been the support of my wonderful DDs which has got me through it - sounds like you have been/ are that same rock of support for Ruth - well done you, I know it is not an easy thing to do.



Good luck with all your plans and look forward to seeing your posts from Down Under :smile:

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Guest wardie77
How exciting for you Wardie! :biggrin:


Not long now!


I know! We feel quite emotional!

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Booked 2 flights to Tasmania. Cleaned the house from top to bottom to get rid of nervouse energy then I can concentrate.




Wow! Busy day.


Visa......CHECK! :biggrin:


Flights booked........CHECK! :biggrin:



Really happy for you Fuffyhead!

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Well peeps, had a long hard chat with Ruth and the Herbert's.


Whilst we have very little debt compared to many we do still have a certain amount of debt outstanding from Ruth's previous marriage and the mess I has to clear up, still trying to as well.


Going around in circles here, work is very hard to come by, and with Ruth's health it has always been my main priority, so always 'had' to work around those issues.


We have come to the conclusion that we can afford to get Ruth's car back on the road, and that will give her a little more independence, the Herbert's are now 17 and 19, so well able to look after 'Mum' to a degree, which is a huge weight of my mind.


I will be travelling back to OZ within two months (hopefully sooner) with my tent and finding work out there, I can then afford to concentrate 'solely' on earning dosh and this will enable us to clear every debt we have.


I know, I know, I have been told time and again I will never find work in OZ, never find accommodation, blah, blah, blah, but each and every time I have managed to find work, so it won't be any different this time, from cleaning loo's, stacking shelves to working for the councils again.


It is a HUGE weight of our shoulders as the debts Ruth incurred before I cam e back were BIG, and even though I have paid a lot of there is still a away to go.


I have lived on Super Noodles and 'camped' before and I'll do it again to make Ruth's (and mine if honest) mindset a little easier.


I have promised Ruth I won't go fishing all day, (bugger) but I also have several contacts out here that 'may' turn into something of a more 'permanent' nature, you never know do you.


Cheers Tony.


Wishing you the Best of Luck.

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OH had his tech interview this morning for the AQF III - 3 hours long!!!! There was a slight confusion over the time difference between them, but they got there in the end. It ended positively, but we are not Counting our Chickens just yet!!! Today, I feel a sense of calm. I am not really sure why as we have a long way to go, but I feel we have achieved quite a bit today. If it is a negative, then at least we know what to expect next time.

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We have overloaded a 6yd skip and done 6 tip runs in our people carrier,worked out it would all fill our 5m x 3m living room floor to ceiling :ssign2:


Just where has it all come from ??


We have moved house lots of time and I'm always amazed by what we seem to accumulate......and then get rid of :rolleyes:


I think it's all those things that you store away 'just in case'.

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