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What have you done today to get yourself to OZ?


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Guest wardie77
I'm at Heathrow enjoying a breakfast for one! Can't believe the day is here. Can't wait to see what awaits me in Sydney!


Good luck!!! All the best for the move!

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I'm at Heathrow enjoying a breakfast for one! Can't believe the day is here. Can't wait to see what awaits me in Sydney!


WhoooHooo how very exciting, wishing you a safe flight and I can assure you, you won't be disappointed when you get there. It is a stunning city.

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Guest Chantel

It is soooooo exciting and motivating to see every one book flights and flyong off etc. . . This is us: been away from here for a while, got a bit depressed with all the hold ups, BUT I am back fighting!!!! So, hubby's passport and drivers licence (for id) are renewed. My married sir name is updated with perth births deaths and marriages, and i have the certificate. We've got some support letters to add to hubby's partner visa application. We've got the police check forms, got the pet travel quote for Keisha the cat and Marley the yorkshire terrier. Loads more to do. . . Next week - Aussie passport renewals for our son and i. Next month - submit hubby's partner visa. Aim to leave england for brisbane on 10th jan!!!!

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It is soooooo exciting and motivating to see every one book flights and flyong off etc. . . This is us: been away from here for a while, got a bit depressed with all the hold ups, BUT I am back fighting!!!! So, hubby's passport and drivers licence (for id) are renewed. My married sir name is updated with perth births deaths and marriages, and i have the certificate. We've got some support letters to add to hubby's partner visa application. We've got the police check forms, got the pet travel quote for Keisha the cat and Marley the yorkshire terrier. Loads more to do. . . Next week - Aussie passport renewals for our son and i. Next month - submit hubby's partner visa. Aim to leave england for brisbane on 10th jan!!!!


You have been busy!!! Glad to see you back:biggrin:

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A small update on our futureinoz, had the medicals for Dad and Son, raised a few eyebrows when paid in cash, well its money from the sale of the car...bill needed paying so be it. A very easy experience, initial report no issues, so onward we go, and wondered who else in the waiting room, was on the same journey, noted one family (mum/dad 2 kids) full of hope and anticipation, could see it in the parents eyes (Yes we are people watchers lol).


A PS about the car, when mentioed at work that the classic had been sold, knowing how much the car meant to us, boss at work responded "you are going then?"...

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Well I lodged my visa application on 04/06/12, and I've just checked the progress online this morning to find the words Applicant Approved underneath all of our names on the application so it looks like mine has taken 4 days....WOW !


I have a couple of questions for people:-


It says that my visa is valid until 08/06/2015 which is obviously 4 years from today. Does this mean that if I don't go to Oz for another 2-3 months that I won't be able to apply for PR after the 4 years as I will be 2-3 months short, or does it go from the date that you actually validate your visa (i.e. land in Oz)?


The other question I have is that on my application details it states 8501 - Health Cover and 8107 - Work Limitation under the conditions attached to your visa section, however there is no mention on my partners details of the 8107 - work limitation condition. Does this mean that she doesn't have any and is free to work and do whatever she wants when we get there.


I'm assuming that its on mine as I'm the main visa applicant and that my employment sponsorship is a condition of my visa.


Any help greatly appreciated.



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Guest wardie77
Well I lodged my visa application on 04/06/12, and I've just checked the progress online this morning to find the words Applicant Approved underneath all of our names on the application so it looks like mine has taken 4 days....WOW !


I have a couple of questions for people:-


It says that my visa is valid until 08/06/2015 which is obviously 4 years from today. Does this mean that if I don't go to Oz for another 2-3 months that I won't be able to apply for PR after the 4 years as I will be 2-3 months short, or does it go from the date that you actually validate your visa (i.e. land in Oz)?


The other question I have is that on my application details it states 8501 - Health Cover and 8107 - Work Limitation under the conditions attached to your visa section, however there is no mention on my partners details of the 8107 - work limitation condition. Does this mean that she doesn't have any and is free to work and do whatever she wants when we get there.


I'm assuming that its on mine as I'm the main visa applicant and that my employment sponsorship is a condition of my visa.


Any help greatly appreciated.




That is great news! Congrats! Pls can ou send through the link to check status of visas?


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With just over 2 months til the move, finally feeling like I'm getting somewhere - after much deliberation just confirmed the shippers (John Mason), house completion date (seems to be) fixed for 3 weeks time, had job interview (for job i really want) and got reply this morning that they are proceeding with references, got another interview in 2 weeks time (for job i'm not as keen on but hey, you need options). After impatiently waiting for the days to tick down, all i need now is my exams next week to be over and then project Oz really kicks in...yeay!!

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Guest motogp2910

Today i have a day off work and am researching possible places for relocation from Hampshire, so far im torn between Perth and queensland. Ive also contacted the migration agent to start the ball rolling. So many things to do and such a long way off but all positive and to fulfill dreams:biggrin:

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Today i have a day off work and am researching possible places for relocation from Hampshire, so far im torn between Perth and queensland. Ive also contacted the migration agent to start the ball rolling. So many things to do and such a long way off but all positive and to fulfill dreams:biggrin:


A fellow Hampshire dweller....................good luck !:wink:

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WhooooHoooo the builders are here!! I am looking at my lovely shiny floors with their footprints all over them and having an OCD moment, but I am just glad they are here and working. Keeping everything crossed the house can go up next week, just when the Spanish government are rumoured to be asking for a bailout. I am sure people will be flocking to buy a house now - NOT:err:

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I've drafted 2 stat decs and 3 work references for my DH. I wasn't looking forward to it so have been putting it off - feeling v pleased with myself now :cool:

Only got 1 reference left to do, need to get last 9 years worth of tax return statements from HMRC and get copies of specific bank statements from 8 years ago and we're ready to submit to vetassess! I will be beside myself when we get to that point!!

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I got my ahpra and a job interview and a job offer and then an e-mail to confirm the sponsorship. Today I have had another day off from Australia ( tho i am clearly obsessed with this forum!) and then Monday I start to gather everything i need to lodge the application! Oh and on my day off Australia I have been checking out the areas to live in recommended by a kind person living there. Not doing very well on the day off from Australia I guess!

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Well started the grand clearout !!! 6 Trips to the tip with the grand voyager, bye bye old furniture. Trip no 7 tomorrow with all the kids old stuff from the garden.


That leaves the shed, the garage and the loft for next weekend :(


Rest of house to follow !!!



(14 weeks to go)

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Hopefully sold our house!!! Friends have put an offer in with the estate agents and we have accepted :0D

Any idea how long it takes for the sale to complete? I've never sold a house before. We are both using the same solicitor so hopefully this will speed things up. Aiming to be in oz late November :0D

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Well Done Mummy Mann, normally anything from 6-12 weeks, depending on the chain. When we sold our first house, we did it in 2 weeks. No chain either end. When we sold our second house it went through in 4 weeks as everyone in the chain was on the ball and wanted things to move quickly. As you are both using the same solicitor, this should speed things up as you won't be waiting for solicitors to sit on letters etc.


Have instructed the estate agent to put the house on the market today - they are coming on Weds to take photos. I have told my lovely neighbours who are incredibly sad, but sooo very excited for us. Very brave for us as we have not told anyone except very close friends and our immediate families.


Have shuffled some more papers for TRA and am just waiting for our first legal adviser to apply to the tax office for our returns. OH out now chasing up detailed testimonials from clients.

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Well Done Mummy Mann, normally anything from 6-12 weeks, depending on the chain. When we sold our first house, we did it in 2 weeks. No chain either end. When we sold our second house it went through in 4 weeks as everyone in the chain was on the ball and wanted things to move quickly. As you are both using the same solicitor, this should speed things up as you won't be waiting for solicitors to sit on letters etc.


Have instructed the estate agent to put the house on the market today - they are coming on Weds to take photos. I have told my lovely neighbours who are incredibly sad, but sooo very excited for us. Very brave for us as we have not told anyone except very close friends and our immediate families.


Have shuffled some more papers for TRA and am just waiting for our first legal adviser to apply to the tax office for our returns. OH out now chasing up detailed testimonials from clients.


Thank you candygirl :0)


I hope it will be fairly quick. Our friends are renting at the moment so it should be straight forward as our house is empty.

Good luck with the sale of your house. Ours was on the market for nearly six months and in the end we sold for a big loss on the original asking price... Cough 20k. But I am happy as we can start planning our future soon x

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Guest Linzi79

I have sent off my IELTS cert to our migration officer, so we can lodge our 175 visa application this week ......

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