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Singletons ?

Guest hels269

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Guest miss m



I will be going alone too!

At the moment i am looking at a potential job in Mundingburra Townsville

If i don't get it then I will probably head Brisbane way as have family there

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hels269

Hey Miss M


Im going to townsville..eventually, if they ever sort my visa out !! I will be living in mundingburra cos i will be staying with my aunty there. small world !! its lovely there. If I dont get a decent job there though I think I will have to head to brissy. I have mates there too though but best to start off with family i think. Until they do my head in !!



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Guest Lynchy

Finally got my Visa though today... Omg the worst part is waiting !!!


So this Singleton is another one that is arriving not knowing a single soul. But I'm ready to start a 2 year course in Melbourne & meet who ever's out there!


Good luck to everyone



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Guest hels269

Hi Miss M


Definitely keen to meet up. Im happy to meet up with as many people as I can. its going to be pretty scary. What job are you going to do over there and when are you hoping to be there by. it cant come soon enough for me, I just want to get over there. the more I wait the more time i have to think "am i doing the right thing" I want to get the goodbyes over and done with and start enjoying myself over there, with a bit of luck anyway.

If you get there before me and need any contacts, let me know. LIke I said, my aunty lives in Mundingburra and is a mad scouser which inevitably means she has a million friends and is a social butterfly !! She is a midwife at Townsville hospital so has made loads of mates through that.


Good luck


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Guest miss m
Hi Miss M


Definitely keen to meet up. Im happy to meet up with as many people as I can. its going to be pretty scary. What job are you going to do over there and when are you hoping to be there by. it cant come soon enough for me, I just want to get over there. the more I wait the more time i have to think "am i doing the right thing" I want to get the goodbyes over and done with and start enjoying myself over there, with a bit of luck anyway.

If you get there before me and need any contacts, let me know. LIke I said, my aunty lives in Mundingburra and is a mad scouser which inevitably means she has a million friends and is a social butterfly !! She is a midwife at Townsville hospital so has made loads of mates through that.


Good luck


Fantastic! I will PM you my details

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Guest ScottyP


without wanting to sound like a dating agency - which i dont want to do - i was just wondering if anyone is going through this migration thing alone like me. I have no OH, no kids, nothing. Just me, myself and I heading to Oz. Im close to my UK family and have lots of UK mates so Im not trying to run away from anything but have visited Oz several times, once in Brisbane for 18 months and decided that QLD is where i want to be.


Anyone else a billy no mates ??




Hey Helen,


Woohoo, im not the only billy no mates! I moved out to Brisbane in March, although im not a total loner as ive got family here who I am staying with until I get my own place! Loving it so far! Give me a shout if you are moving to Brisbane, would be great to get to know a few more people!



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Guest Phatgecko

hi all


another billy here, ive just arrived in sydney (3 weeks ago) by myself to start a new job. I moved into a place in st leonards on the north shore. So if there are any singletons in sydney who fancy meeting up for a drink let me know.




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest paulspeg
Finally got my Visa though today... Omg the worst part is waiting !!!


So this Singleton is another one that is arriving not knowing a single soul. But I'm ready to start a 2 year course in Melbourne & meet who ever's out there!


Good luck to everyone





I've been in Melbourne for 6 months after coming over on my own. I'm doing a 2 year course on a student visa. It has been hard but as the months go byit seems to get easier as you get to no more and more people.



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Guest Andthomp83

Hi Helen,

I'm a 25 yr old singleton moving out to Oz in November this year. I'm a bit scared as I'm moving out there alone and trying to find work etc, I agree it is all a bit daunting. Are you already there?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest hels269


Sorry I havent replied sooner.

No Im not in oz yet !! - its a very sore point !! I am waiting for the visa which should be very soon because other December people have got theirs..I have to be patient and keep calm.

But even if i do get it I will have to sell my house, which, as we all know could prove tricky. its been on the market for about 6 weeks and not one viewing. AAGGHHH

But WHEN i get to oz, I will be in townsville. Yes i is daunting and thats why I wish this house would sell quickly cos with every week that passes I am getting colder and colder feet !

I have family there but thats not the same as having mates..I will be a billy no mates for a while until I can bully someone into being my friend !

Will be popping to brisbane first though to see some friends so am happy to meet up with whoever.

I am expecting the first months to be hard and that I am going to have to say YES to every invite that comes my way (if any come my way) but i guess eventually we will all find a few people we can call friends and then through them we meet their friends and so on.

scary though innit ??



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Hey everyone,


I'm heading off to Melbourne on my own at the end of September. I do have a few friends in the city (in the company I'll be working for), so I won't be completely on my own.


Will be happy to meet up for a drink if people are interested though. It's all very daunting and exciting!

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Guest DonUnder

Another Billy here hehe.


Moving out (hopefully) in October and will be setting up camp in Sydney. I'm being transferred by my employer so don' have the whole job hunting thing to worry about and I already know a few of the folks in our sydney office. I also have an old uni buddy who has lived in aus for 10 years so won't be a TOTAL Billy (hopefully). Still, it would be good to meet up with some new faces once i'm there. :)

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Guest camillap

hi, i was reading your posts saying that most of you braved it alone to Oz, and i know you posted those a while ago but i found it comforting as i am doing the same thing in January! I am 20 and going to study in sydney for nine months, but have a feeling i'll stay longer! I have never been there and only know a very small amount of people and wanted to know if anyone has any advice on where to live, how to find good accomadation and how to meet people etc. I am really really excited to be doing this and am so glad i have people who have been in the same position as me!


hope to hear from you soon,

Camilla xx

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest halebob

Names Hayley. Reading all these posts has made feel soooo much better. It feels like you are the only person on the planet when you move to a different country on your own. I've only been in Briz for 4 days and the first day I got here I was looking for flights back home. They're so expensive. I'm here for a year (depends how I cope) as a nurse. Eating out on my own as well makes me feel like everyone is looking at me. Ha ha. It's weird cause at home when I went out on my own I felt ok or I bumped into someone I know, but here I am all alone. Sob sob. Desperate to meet new friends especially connected to home. Anyone want to meet up let me know. :wacko:

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Names Hayley. Reading all these posts has made feel soooo much better. It feels like you are the only person on the planet when you move to a different country on your own. I've only been in Briz for 4 days and the first day I got here I was looking for flights back home. They're so expensive. I'm here for a year (depends how I cope) as a nurse. Eating out on my own as well makes me feel like everyone is looking at me. Ha ha. It's weird cause at home when I went out on my own I felt ok or I bumped into someone I know, but here I am all alone. Sob sob. Desperate to meet new friends especially connected to home. Anyone want to meet up let me know. :wacko:


Hale bob if you want to meet up for a beer pm me even through my oh an aussie still miss the uk connections dont panic im only 28 LOL and not really cranky.:shocked: Just having an whringe when thing go wrong here in briz lol

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Hi All

Been here on the Gold Coast for ooh blimey nearly 8months now. I came over on my lonesome and haven't regretted it for a second. I've found it a bit tough to meet people outside work being on my own but I can't say I've felt lonely at any time. Been too bloody busy , working, SCUBA diving and socialising with collegues. Also met people on here which has been great. For those of you already here, its nice to hear that others have done it, everyone I talk to here thinks I'm mad to have come over alone. To all of you on your way, good on ya, you'll love it!!!!!!!!!

If anyone's ever on the Gold Coast and wants to meet up let me know, there's always something to do down here!!!


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  • 3 months later...
Guest hels269

Hey Hayley


I am moving to Briz on 16th February so we should deffo meet up. I am staying with another friend Rachel for a few weeks to start with until i get myself sorted. She lives in redcliffe and moved over there last january, she has friends but is always desperate to meet more and I only know her so goes without saying I am desperate to meet people.

she is a radiographer and I am going to hopefully (if i can get a job) work in clinical trials.

will let you know when I arrive, not long now !



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Guest lillibet

I've moved alone as well- i'm a billy no mates too. I'm living in sydney, and really liking it so far. Been here before and loved it so thought i'd give it a go for a bit longer this time. I'm here for at least a year, will see how i go. I working with children in a childcare centre in the city, which i love. I dont really like going out on my own, although i'm making myself do it, i dont really like sitting in restaurants on my own.

I'd like to meet some new people and make some friends here, so if anyone feels like a chat.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,


I made the big move here alone in July. Most of my friends are inter-state and I would love to get to know more people in Melbourne and expecially close to where I'm living in Albert Park. Are there many PIO people in my locality?


Hope to hear from you,


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Guest idmahon

Hi all,


Im moving to sydney alone, so billy no mates! Im 26 a coming over 1/3/09, so if anyone is in the sydney area look me up on Facebook (Im wearing a white t-shirt and scarf) or email ian.mahon@hotmail.co.uk. It would be really good getting to know people before moving into the unknown.


Take care



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