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Statutory declaration you are in a relationship


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Hi people, just submitted the visa application last night and all of a sudden it was saying we have 28 days to get police check forms in and de facto relationship stuff uploaded etc...



Does anyone have a template of how a statutory declaration should be laid out for de facto relationship? Just need to know how to organise it and where to put what, would help me out a lot.


Me and my partner we dont have joint bank accounts, but we can get confirmation from the town hall we have been living together and of course the bank and pay slips get sent to the same address etc... We have some old wedding invites in our joint name and lots of photos of us together on various holidays.


We would however like to see a template for a statutory declaration that we can use. Or is it the case of filling in a form?


Also do all the above documents need to be certifed? I will be scanning the documents in colour and uploading them.


Am a bit hazy with the process as I am at work and all the visa information the website provided when submitting the visa is at home, so appologies in advanced. :chatterbox:

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My understanding is that Statutory Declarations are only valid if they are completed by Australian Citizens and that they then need to be certified by one of the professionals named on them. If you want to view the template google 'stat dec 888 pdf' and you can download one. We did not submit any Statutory Declarations with our application, we had both of our parents write a Statement attesting to the validity of our relationship and then sign them.


Gather as much evidence as you can that you have lived at the same address, bills -gas,water,electric,phone, council tax, bank accounts - they don't necessarily have to be joint just reflect that you were both at the same address.


Pic key photos that demonstrate you've been together at key events, weddings, christenings, christmas, holidays etc


If you upload all of your documents in colour then they do not need to be certified by anyone, so if someone writes a statement for you get them to sign in blue or red so the colour shows up in the scan.


If you do decide to get any of your documents certified there is a specific list of who in the UK will be accepted by DIAC - I believe that Solicitor and Magistrate are on there but an not 100% so would suggest you check that yourself before taking my word for it, these people will charge you PER signature. With our application I made sure that every document I uploaded was a colour copy and I got nothing 'certified' and had no issues at all.


Hope this helps.

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Guest detrrdre

Hi, just did all that myself, I have the template for the statutory declaration, it has to be stamped and signed by an Australian Authority like the Embassy people so. if you want to give me your email I can send it on to you.

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My understanding is that Statutory Declarations are only valid if they are completed by Australian Citizens and that they then need to be certified by one of the professionals named on them.


Thanks for your time DrewNW, so you think that the stat declaration is unnecessary. This statement from your family and friends, how detailed does it have to be? Is it just stating that you have been in a loving relationship for such and such years and that we live together and are committed to one another and have them sign it?


Good advice about the red or blue pen! Thanks!

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Just to confirm that the stat dec form only needs to be used for declarations made within Australia. If the person making the declation is outside Australia any piece of paper will do.


Only legal documents need to be certified copied.

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Thanks for your time DrewNW, so you think that the stat declaration is unnecessary. This statement from your family and friends, how detailed does it have to be? Is it just stating that you have been in a loving relationship for such and such years and that we live together and are committed to one another and have them sign it?


Good advice about the red or blue pen! Thanks!



Yes, they are only valid if they are a statement made by an Australian Citizen, so if you have someone who is not an AC complete one and then you pay someone to certify it you would be wasting your time and money.

Yes, our parents just wrote how long they knew we had been together, that we were considered a 'couple' within our respective families, that we are invited to and attend family gatherings together, that they believe our relationship to be genuine etc couple of paragraphs really is enough

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One last thing, when we submitted the application the document checklist is saying we have 28 days from lodging the application to provide the police certificates and the de facto information. My partner is saying that one the website it says :


Also in the instruction from DIAC: “In order for the Australian Government to determine whether you are of good character, you may be asked to provide a police certificate.” Also on the website, it says something like do it when you’re asked to.


So is it normal we attach these at this stage?

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Is this a 457 visa that you are applying for? If so you do not need to provide police certificates, we weren't asked for any. They may assess your application and then request further information such as a police check or medical later in the processing.

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Hi DrewNE


I am applying for the 176 visa. The confirmation email states :


If you have applied for an offshore GSM visa, your case officer will contact you when you need to undertake health and character checks.


but on the online application it stated you have 28 days to attach the documentation. I dont have a CO as I just submitted the application 1 day ago.


So the police certificates the CO asks for these?? Sorry a bit confused as what i upload at this stage.

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I didn't apply for 176 so the process may be different but I believe that you only need to start getting your police certs and your medicals when the CO asks you to. The CO will consider everything you submit now in the application and then 'progress' it to the next stage ie the character and health checks.

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For the "stat dec" you just need to write out a story about your relationship - how you met, how it developed and add in key dates. Do talk about living arrangements, financial arrangements, holidays, bills, housework, parents, etc. If it is longer than 2 or 3 sides you have written too much. You should begin by saying "I, Martin Brian Nugent of 22 Thomas Street, Newtownards, BT66 6XX, do solemnly swear that..." and sign/date at the bottom. If you can get the signature witnessed by someone who sounds professional then so much the better. The evidence of the relationship is separate to the stat dec.

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Yes i think that the statutory declaration is just for australian citizens. Was mentioned earlier.


It is a relief that the police checks are requested later from the CO officer as my partner needs to get some docs from china in regards to that.

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