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Family of 6 in Freo we wanna meet new families near by.

Guest Spearwood

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Guest Spearwood

Hi, we've been here for 8 months now and love it here Never going back) we have 4 kids Girl 16 and 3 boys...14,12 and 8. We would like to meet families similar to us...good old fashioned Poms who have a laugh...not too much of the hard stuff tho....hangovers, not good in the heat....we are in our 40's...anyone near us...give us a buzz..xicon6.png

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Hi spearwood, we are still in the uk but hopefully be over by end of summer, we have two kids at the moment and 1 on the way. Two boys aged 11 and 4, im pregnant at the moment so had to put visa on hold, baby due in april so hopefully can get meds done after that and get our selves down under lol. We are both 40 this year and have been looking into fremantle, whats it like there are there good and bad areas? Hubby is an electrician but would prefer to work in the fire industry, im a nursery nurse and leaving behind my business which my sister is taking over from me. What do you both do for a living? Sounds like you really enjoy living there, we cant wait hopeing it will suit us and we settle in really quickly. Any help on this area would be great are the schools any good? soz loads of questions i know lol take care Lesley

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Guest Spearwood

Hi Lesley, Sam here (Spearwood)..first of all, are you on facebook..if you are send me a friend request and we can have a proper chat (sam gould) Might be able to answer a few Q's for you and take it from there. My hubby works in Freo just up from the fire station. I have a friend on FB and her hubby is in the fire service...think it took him a while to get established, now he's captain of the ship if you get my drift. As for being a sparkie...mega money, my hubby was one in the uk but didn't want to do it over here cus he'd done it for 20 years and had enuf. he now sells Ozzie health products to help cancer (natual stuff).

Have you been before and where abouts are you looking, it's quite dear out here, well the houses are, we rent and ours is $520 a week...omg dead money we hate that part but the rest is good.

We came in June last year and moved 4 times in 5 months, we are now in spearwood just down from freo, i'm afraid you have to not be fussy when you first come until you can get settled.

Where in the uk are you...we come from the midland...about 15miles from Brum. If you are on FB send me one a.s.a.p. and we can chat...speak soon ye? x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sam no im not on facebook was a few years ago but dont use it now. We havent been before but ian has family all over perth and we are in constant contact with them, they was the original £10 poms so they have been there a long time, weve only seen them once when they came over for our wedding. House wise we have been looking in freo and surrounding areas and also a bit north in Joondalup as this looks a decent area aswell, but deciding where to rent is very difficult as never visiting you are relying on other peoples opinions. We are also relying on ian getting a good job which because of his work will proberbly limited where we go as most of his work will be in the cbd.

We are living in halesowen just outside birmingham, where was you from? we been in bham all our lives and in halesowen for about 11 years. Before halesowen we lived in oldbury, ian is originally from bartley green and im from smethwick. We are in process of putting house on market and telling everyone our plans, easier said than done on both counts lol.

Have you found your kids have settled well as they come first and want them to be happy with the area we choose.

My email is lesleybruck@yahoo.co.uk if you want to email me direct rather than through this forum.

Speak soon lesley x

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Hi Guys we are moving to perth in june will be staying with parents in Caningvale which is not to far from Freo, we are family of 4, son is 8 and daughter will b 5 when out there,im in 40s wife late 30s well she wishes it was 20s but so do we all.any way how have you all settled in? is it really as good living there than holiday,we cant waite to get there and start our new life and we want to meet people who are in the same boat. Have your kids settled as it must be hard for the teenagers? we have been to Freo and i do like it there its got a good vibe bout the place,hope to spk soon.. The Andrews Family

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  • 4 months later...

:biggrin: Hiya! we are new to Oz, been here a few months and live in Success area, We are both 40, and have 2 boys, aged 8 and 11, and a daughter (who is still in uk at the mo) age 19. It would be great to make some new friends :biggrin: maybe we could arrange a meet ?

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