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Subclass 103 Parent Visa

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While I was waiting for my subclass 103 parent visa (i.e. the regular, inexpensive parent visa, not the contributory one which is different), I was not able to find much on the forums in the way of support so I thought I would post this thread as information and encouragement to other parents out there on 103 visa applications.


31 January 2012 was a REALLY good day as that was the day I got the visa after an eight-year wait. When I applied in January 2003, I thought I would soon be on my way (how silly was I!). I was approved in May 2005 and received a letter telling me that I had been placed in the approved parents queue, that there were 13,880 approved parents ahead of me and that I would be in the queue for some time.


But all things pass in time and now I have the visa label in my passport. I have to enter before December this year, so will be activating the visa with a two-week visit later this year and then will move over permanently first thing next year (the visa, after activation, is multiple entry for five years).


Hope that bit of info will be useful to someone, it would have been to me, I had so many questions to which I could find no answers.

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Guest Cathwotherspoon
While I was waiting for my subclass 103 parent visa (i.e. the regular, inexpensive parent visa, not the contributory one which is different), I was not able to find much on the forums in the way of support so I thought I would post this thread as information and encouragement to other parents out there on 103 visa applications.


31 January 2012 was a REALLY good day as that was the day I got the visa after an eight-year wait. When I applied in January 2003, I thought I would soon be on my way (how silly was I!). I was approved in May 2005 and received a letter telling me that I had been placed in the approved parents queue, that there were 13,880 approved parents ahead of me and that I would be in the queue for some time.


But all things pass in time and now I have the visa label in my passport. I have to enter before December this year, so will be activating the visa with a two-week visit later this year and then will move over permanently first thing next year (the visa, after activation, is multiple entry for five years).


Hope that bit of info will be useful to someone, it would have been to me, I had so many questions to which I could find no answers.


CONGRATULATIONS and well done for waiting all that time. 8 years is too long for me to wait = can't bear to be away from the family any longer so am in the process of applying for CPV 173.

Good luck for your future life in Oz. Cath

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CONGRATULATIONS and well done for waiting all that time. 8 years is too long for me to wait = can't bear to be away from the family any longer so am in the process of applying for CPV 173.

Good luck for your future life in Oz. Cath


It is all so exciting! I made it to my daughter's wedding in Oz in 2000 and have visited about 6 times since. But in that time she has got divorced, found a new partner, had a baby, is having another baby this year, and I have missed it all, could not be there for her when she really needed her mom there. But she will have me there soon (and at times I am sure will wish I was still back in the UK!). Can't wait to be a proper gran on tap.

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Thanks for posting this, it is really good to see someone who has gone down this route.

I follow the other thread for the CPV, but realistically I (we) could not go for that one.


I have one daughter here and two granddaughters, one and four years old.

Also have another daughter in Sydney with my one and only grandson!

Usual dilemma!!


Having just spent 10 weeks in Oz, I was all for sending off for a visa, but had to back track!


I have decided now to apply for a 103 for both myself and my husband and will see when the time comes whether we can actually go!

If, in the meantime, we have to move quicker, will have to change to the 143. I understand that any time waiting is taken into account if you change?


Can I just ask, between 2003 and 2005, did you hear anything from 'them' about how the application was going?


Did just see your other thread about transferring pensions and QROPS, will follow that with interest.


Thanks again for your post, Pam

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Hi Pam, good luck with your applications. No, I did not hear much at all while I waited - I put the application in, just over two years later they contacted me and told me to go for medicals, get police clearance, pay the first half of the visa fee etc, which I did. Then I received the letter in May 2005 saying I had been approved and was now in the Q. After that - nothing until October 2011 when they sent my daughter in Oz an email saying I had to re-do medicals, police clearance, etc (they only have a validity of 12 months so the first lot had expired) and it all had to be submitted within 28 days!! We scrambled around, got it all done eventually and I then received the visa on 31 January 2012. So between May 2005 and October 2011 I heard nothing. Only correspondence was to advise them of current address, stuff like that. I was watching the Q calculator and on my reckoning I was going to be in the Q for a further year, so I was taken by surprise (a nice suprise)!


Kind regards


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  • 7 years later...
8 hours ago, K Mill said:


I'm trying to find out exactly what info is required when applying for the Subclass 103 but cannot find anything specific online. Can anyone who's applied let me know?

Are you aware that the waiting time for this visa is approximately 30 years? 

The government actually wanted to get rid of this visa, but they couldn't get the legislation through parliament, so they've just gone on a go-slow instead. 

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