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Any Brits in Cronulla and The Shire?

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My family and I have just moved to Cronulla with our three young children aged 6,4 and 11 months. I am looking to meet up with other mums in the area, to meet new friends for me and for our two youngest children. People are very friendly but only make small talk and I need to meet mums to have a good chat with! Can anyone help?


Thank you,



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My family and I have just moved to Cronulla with our three young children aged 6,4 and 11 months. I am looking to meet up with other mums in the area, to meet new friends for me and for our two youngest children. People are very friendly but only make small talk and I need to meet mums to have a good chat with! Can anyone help?


Thank you,




Hi and welcome Julie, Im English been here3 yesrs now not got any young kids sorry. I do have friends that do though, Ur more than welcome to meet up with us for coffee.

If you get bthis today some of will be down at gunamatta beacg today for a bit of a bbq for one of the girls birthdays, She has 2 young kids a boy and girl. Come down and say hello ur more than welcome, will be there from 11. There will be people there that I wont know, so please domt feel shy.

I know how bad it can get if you sit at home doing nothing.

Hope to see you today if not we can meet up for coffee at any point.

Take care and see u soon

Anita :biggrin:

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Hi Anita,

Thank you for your message which I have just read. It is a shame we could not make it down to Gunamatta Beach today, but it was my birthday and we had a family trip to Sydney! We had a fantastic time, the children loved the enormous playground in Darling Harbour, we caught a water taxis round to Circular Key, under the Harbour Bridge up to the Opera house - it was amazing and very hot!

Perhaps we could meet up for a coffee at some point, unfortunately I will always have at least one little one in tow though! Where do you live? We love Cronulla, but property is VERY expensive (we are renting)! My husband is just about to open a business here in Cronulla, that is why we are here. Hopefully it will go well, but he is working long hours on his training course at the moment, which can be hard work for me looking after three children, I'm sure it will all be worth it!

Thanks again,



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Hi Julia,

I'm in the UK, but I do have a pal (I used to work with inn Sydney) who lives in or nr Gymea. She is aussie, but she does have British grandparents!!...She has three children too, ages 11 (boy), five (girl) and one (boy). If you're interested in meeting up with her, give me a shout and I'll message her. She is lovely and I am sure she'll be able to introduce you to other mums in the area!

I am sure small talk will grow into more talk soon, it just takes time! Have you contacted your ECHC to find a mothers' group for you and your youngest?


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Hi Kat,


Thank you for your message. It would be great if you could messsage your friend in Gymea, thank you. How long have you been back in the UK? Do you miss Australia at all now? I figure it could take a while to really settle here, but having children hopefully will help.



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Hi Julia,


I'll message Tanya and get the ok from her to pass on her mobile no, then I'll pm you her mobile so you can drop her a line and catch up.


We lived in the Northern Beaches for about five years, and we returned in 2008 as I was pregnant with son two, and wanted both boys to get to know their Scottish Grandparents before we return to Australia to settle. Our house is currently on the market with a view to move back to Sydney when we sell. I miss Australia a lot, and to be honest we only returned as I wanted my kids to get to know my parents...I don't think my husband and I have really settled this time around back in Scotland and are looking forward to returning.


I'll be back in touch soon! I am sure it won't take too long to get lots of friends in your area.


Cheers, Kat

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Hi Kat,


I bet it is cold in Scotland?! We stayed in Narrabeen when we were last here on holiday two years ago, it was lovely. We did plan on moving there, but my husband is starting his business here in Cronulla. It certainly is very expensive here, especially property. We would love to buy a house here, but as the £ is so weak, we do not get many $ for our cash.

When are you hoping to return to Australia?


I definitely miss the support of my parents and my in-laws, particulary now as my husband is working long hours at the moment to get his business off the ground - hopefully it will all be worth it!


Hope to hear from you soon.



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Hi Julia,

I am afraid I've not heard back from my friend in Cronulla, I will let you know if she gets in touch.

As for us, we've had a milder winter this year, so not too bad, but we're looking to return whenever we can sell the house, so maybe this year, or might be another year or two down the track! I am a little frustrated with the house sale, but a firm believer in fate, so I am sure it'll happen when the time is right!

Hope you're settling well and have met some more people in the area. Did you contact your ECHC? They should be able to put you in touch with a group with people who have youngsters of a similar age to your youngest.

It all takes time, but as you say, hopefully it will all be worth it and things will fall into place shortly!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Julia,

I'm moving to the Caringbah/Cronulla area in the next month and don't know anyone! I'm not a mum but would happy to meet for a cuppa when I get settled.

I have a job in Caringbah but I don't know much about the area. Would Cronulla be a nicer place to live than Caringbah? Or could you recommend areas where there's a tennis club and gym please?

Many thanks and hope you get to meet some new friends soon.


Thanks, Cath

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Hi Cath,


Good luck with the move! Would be great to meet up. Both areas are lovely, Cronulla is more expensive, right by the beach, but is has a good centre with shops, cafes etc. There appear to be gyms everywhere, don't go to one myself - with three children I am on my feet all day! Caringbah appears to have cheaper real estate than Cronulla, and is more central. Not sure about a tennis club I'm afraid, but I hear people talking about playing tennis, so they must be around.





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