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Pssibly coming to Kalgoorlie. Want to make friends!

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Hi all


Well, it looks more likely that me and my family (wife and four-and-a-half year old son) may be moving to Kal, probably late August! This will definitely be a big move and I think my wife is very nervous about things. So, after looking at these forums about ex-pat communities in various towns/cities I was wondering about what the ex-pat community is like in Kalgoorlie. Ideally it would be great to already know people in the town before making the move!


So...is there anybody out there?





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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes there is!


Sorry for the late reply!

Most Poms in Kal are involved in the mining industry, I myself am a geologist here, my partner is a geotechnical engineer and most of our friends are geos or engineers. But that's just because that's who we know through work and previously through uni. Kal is now a much more family friendly place than it used to be. Lots of Australian mining professionals are now moving here because they're fed up with flying in/out for work and want to spend more time with their families.


It is a shock to the system at first but we're happy to help and can point you in the directions of all the places you'll need to go at first, like registering for Medicare and getting your driving licences sorted out. Also it will be hard finding a rental, competition is fierce and the rental agents aren't great. This process can be very off-putting and demoralising when you arrive but I promise you once you have somewhere to live everything will get better, you've just got to get over that hurdle. And it's great if you already know someone who'm you can ask for a bit of help. When we arrived here the first time we didn't know anyone, but it didn't take long and before you know it I was in a local hockey team and making lots of friends. Keep in touch and feel free to ask any and all questions!


Lauren & Andy

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Hi Guys


I`m in the process of moving out there after accepting a job offer with CPC as a mechanical fitter. I hope to be out there on 1st June, on my own at first until Mid August when my wife, 11 year old son and 6 year old daughter will move out. We are looking at property to rent in Kambalda West but this might change depending on the schooling options. My son got accepted by his first choice Grammar school over here and was due to start in Sept, so schooling is a big deal where he is concerned. My daughter is more sporty (you never get two the same lol, bless her) My wife is a qualified hairdresser and would like to keep doing the odd home visit out there. I`m ex RAF so we are used to moving about and making new friends. Anyone on here fancy meeting up for a beer when I get over there?


Cheers Tom

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Hi Tom,


Yeah sure we'll be happy to meet you for a drink. We're off on holiday but will be back in town on June 2nd (though probably quite jet-lagged!).


Would your job be based in the Kambalda workshop or would you be in Boulder? If you can be based in Kalgoorlie-Boulder do not even consider living in Kambalda, and I would say that if schools are important then probably consider living in Kalgoorlie anyway. It is 60km between Kal and Kambalda, I know many people that work in Kambalda but live in Kal. There is so much more to do in Kal and more opportunities for kids in terms of sports and hobbies, plus there will be greater opportunity for your wife to earn money.


Property is much cheaper to rent there but there is a good reason for that!

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It's nice to know I'll be moving to a town that I will already no some friendly folks :) I won't be a miner though, so shall I bring my own token pickaxe ;) Actually, all joking apart, I love the earth sciences...what chance will there be for me to see a real mine in action??


Luckily, as I shall be a government employee they've located a rental property on my behalf, so that's one headache avoided :)


Looking forward to that communal beer and BBQ :D




Phil and Karen

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Well that's great news that they've arranged a rental property for you! It is such a headache here and a cause of much stress and grumpiness!


Even if it's not great at least it will give you time to find somewhere you like more.


A couple of the mines have public lookouts where you can watch the trucks come and go, and the Superpit also run tours but I don't think they go down to the pit floor. It's fantastic watching a blast go off in a pit!

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